Crime in BsAs - anyone?

In Buenos Aíres, have you personally been the victim of:

  • Pickpocketing

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Burglary

    Votes: 54 43.9%
  • Theft

    Votes: 14 11.4%
  • Armed robbery

    Votes: 45 36.6%
  • Robbery, no arms visible, threats/intimidation only

    Votes: 26 21.1%
  • Stabbing

    Votes: 23 18.7%
  • Shooting

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Other crime

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • I have not personally been a victim of a crime in BsAs

    Votes: 28 22.8%

  • Total voters
It's all well and good to cite mass shootings in the US but the point here is that HALF THE MEMBERS OF BAEXPATS have been victims of one or more crimes and over one in five of us has been a victim of armed or threatening robbery....this is not a thread about shock stories in the news.
My neighbour runs a chinese minimart and has been victim of at least 7 gunpoint robberies, myself only one, so far.......!!!!
Pick-Pocket victim here.

I was riding a bus, close to recoleta and someone stole my wallet with 800 pesos on it, and my CDI.

Terrible, I said in spanish, out loud "someone just stole me", nobody did anything. i was so upset, almost cried. it was terrible.

But that's not the only thing. I have a story, it happens to a friend of mine. This about being foreigners and rent apartments, could be a total nightmare. Well, my friend and his roommate were looking for a new place. So they started looking in the newspaper and stuff.

They found a flyer in the street. It looked like a nice apartment in a new building, and the price was awesome. So they called and settled an appointment. One of the guys went to the building.

And here's when everything just exploted. An old lady came down. She looked sloppy, but she had the keys of the apartment, so she showed it to him. The apartment was clean BUT it looked like somebody actually was living there. Everything was in its place. There were a girl and a baby. "The cleaning lady" the old woman said.

Anyway, the woman said they need to pay in advance 1200 pesos for the place's reservation and then they can move 10 days after that.

They talked a couple of times with the woman during these 10 days. On the 10th, she didnt pick up the phone, she didnt reply back any sms. They had packed everything and they were ready to leave.

At 8-9pm, she called em. "I'm sorry, I was at the hospital. But Im on my way" She arrived to their old apartment. They made em sing some kind of receipt, and asked em for another 1500 pesos. She said em they could put all their things in her friend's truck for em to move out faster.

So they could go to the new apartment, so she gave em the keys and told em she was gonna wait for her friend outside.

She never came back.

they went to the apartment to try the keys. they didnt work.

So no house, no money ha. it's funny now it was awful for my friend at the time. Next day, they went to the building. the door dude said a family lives in that apartment they saw.

Well, :eek:do not trust in anybody here, especially if you're looking for an apartment.
Great anti-theft story! Yesterday I left my glasses holder (estuche?) in a taxi. Since I was wearing my glasses, I didn't really care very much. However, I received a call from the cabby (I have my name and phone number in the estuche), and he came back to meet me on a street corner so he could return my glasses holder.
Just short of two years living here for me, first at the Barrio Norte/Once border, (Córdoba and Pueyrredón) then in Montserrat (México and Sáenz Peña) and now in San Telmo for the past 8 months or so. Never had anything happen to me, but once at my first apartment there was a man covered in blood from a head wound sitting on the building stoop. His eyes were bloodshot and he was obviously intoxicated. I tried to find the encargada but then he disappeared. Then recently, my boyfriend and I were leaving a restaurant near Bolívar and Estados Unidos when I got a weird feeling I should look behind me. Two young guys in hoodies were walking towards us, hands in pockets, looking like they had a purpose. I grabbed my boyfriend's arm and dragged him across the street. They kept walking. Were we about to be robbed? Who knows. I just always cross the street if I feel the slightest bit wary, no matter what. It has served me well so far, mostly to avoid potentially drunken/aggressive piropos, but that's for another thread I guess.

My parents might have gotten screwed by a taxi driver one night when we were going from La Cabrera to San Telmo after dinner at around 1 a.m. It was right after the night prices had been hiked, and I remember thinking, Jesus, 60 pesos?! No more taxis ever! Then a couple months later, I took a late taxi a slightly longer distance back to San Telmo, and it was only 40 pesos. So either my parents got screwed and the late night price is not as high as I thought on average for Palermo to San Telmo, or the other guy forgot to increase his meter to the late night price.
Now when the poll is almost two and a half years old, the crime rate looks stable at half the expats have and the other half haven't been victims of crime in BsAs.

Perhaps it's time to start a new poll, only counting crimes after January 1st, 2012?
- this could give an indication of whether the crime rate is changing.
it was chained to a pole

viamonte y esmerelda {microcenter}

between 7 pm and 10 pm

i wont leave bike locked and unattended for extended periods any more...................................................
My property was stolen , Literaly ! . An 15 acre estate , complete with a 150 year old house.
When I was able to get it back , and the thugs evicted , they vandalized the living crap out of it.
The same night that I had the folks evicted, the house was invaded by every single neighbor and THEY had a go at stealing everything that was either bolted down or presented too much diiculty in removing. How do I know this ? I made it a point of visiting all the neighbors in the days following the robbery.
Seing the expresion on their faces when I would state " Oh , and Ill be taking that back because its mine , have a nice day "..... Priceless