sergio said:
There is a tendency among expats to dismiss crime here with the argument that there is as much crime in New York, Chicago etc.
Not dismiss - crime in BsAs seems to be rife, as compared to many other. albeit smaller, cities - but to keep a perspective.
"Four men were shot to death yesterday ..." in a city with 4,000,000 men, doesn't indicate that all men have been - or are going to get - shot to death. Nobody mentions the 3,999,996 men who weren't shot.
sergio said:
... Yes, there is crime in Manhattan but I don't believe it touches the lives of the average Manhattanite the way it affects Porteños. I hear constantly about Porteño friends who have been robbed - yesterday a friend was threatened when she was driving her car near the Sheraton Hotel in Retiro. She stopped at a traffic light and a man approached her and demanded her money, threatening to kill her.
In Washington a number of people have actually been killed because they refused to hand over their cars to criminals, at least one incidence took place within a quarter of a mile from the White House. So what about Washington? Worse than BsAs - or does crime happen in every big city? Again: The perspective.
The reason for this thread is to get a picture of how bad it really is. So far it looks bad, but not extensively so - a far cry from e.g. Mexico City and some other metropolis.
sergio said:
Just about everyone I know here has a story to tell. I honestly can't say that about people I know in the US - most of the people I know in the US have NEVER been victims of crimes.
Interesting friends, you've got. So far the poll shows that 57% of the expats respondents have not been victims of crime.
Read jimdepalermo's post earlier in this thread: where he tells us that about one third of people he has asked in other big cities tell the same tale, one third have been victims of crime at one time or another.
I myself have been assaulted twice in Valparaíso, each time by four criminals, once three of them with knives. Does that make Valpo the hub of crime? - perspective!
In Valpo I think the greatest problem is that carabiñeros refused to make reports since nothing had been stolen in either case, thus "underreporting" the number of incidences.