The president of a country that is depending on the Chinese to buoy up a flagging economy shouldn't be making any kind of joke at the Chinese people's expense. I'd actually say that holds true for any country, not just China.
Individuals making fun of a country's way of pronouncing things is one thing (I don't condone it - I don't even make fun of the way Porteños pronounce "Castellano" as a language
) , but the president of a country, or any other representative, shouldn't be acting like that.
But it sure doesn't surprise me that she's clueless, arrogant and "flippant" toward her benefactors.
Individuals making fun of a country's way of pronouncing things is one thing (I don't condone it - I don't even make fun of the way Porteños pronounce "Castellano" as a language
But it sure doesn't surprise me that she's clueless, arrogant and "flippant" toward her benefactors.