So the new government will not be able to revert the problems caused by Macri? Fair enough, I agree that four years is not enough time to do that.
Why is it different for Macri, who only had four years to solve the problems left by the previous government?
Yet again, you are making it a partisan argument. I will repeat because you seem to be struggling, I don't care about Macrismo or Peronismo and would not vote for either, but your logic is flawed. I know Macri took out a massive loan with the IMF, a move that seemed destined to fail from day one considering Argentina's past. I also know Macri has failed in most things he set out to do. Why you are acting like your observation of these facts is revolutionary? You're stating the obvious as if you're catching people out or enlightening them.
Again, for your ego, Macri has failed. What has that got to do with Argentina's systemic failures, other than being a continuation of them under a different political slant?