Cristina's culpability in the financial crisis and if capital controls will work under the peronists

What's with all the ''Snark''......?'s usually indicative of a weak position and lack of any real knowledge ( I am conscientiously not highlighting the fact that snark is a response used by the ignorant to appear enlightened ) .....not something to be proud of and openly display......again.....which bank and in what position?.....that can be documented, of course.
"it's usually indicative"... Is that like almost pregnant? If perry can't stand the heat he shouldn't be in the kitchen. I'm sure perry is thrilled you took his side though I suggest you read his posts to first see what you're dealing with. However, as all reading these comments will (I'm sure) agree, opinions are like azz* holes (*if any comments get censored as that is not a misspelling) everyone has one and you are surely entitled to yours.
So the new government will not be able to revert the problems caused by Macri? Fair enough, I agree that four years is not enough time to do that.

Why is it different for Macri, who only had four years to solve the problems left by the previous government?

Yet again, you are making it a partisan argument. I will repeat because you seem to be struggling, I don't care about Macrismo or Peronismo and would not vote for either, but your logic is flawed. I know Macri took out a massive loan with the IMF, a move that seemed destined to fail from day one considering Argentina's past. I also know Macri has failed in most things he set out to do. Why you are acting like your observation of these facts is revolutionary? You're stating the obvious as if you're catching people out or enlightening them.

Again, for your ego, Macri has failed. What has that got to do with Argentina's systemic failures, other than being a continuation of them under a different political slant?
But were there really so much problems to solve?
I don’t think so.
The K were very pragmatic and this is why the real peronistas hate them. They were so pragmatic that The IMF was asking MM to go back to the K policies and he had to do it.
The K politics and economy were not the problem, they were very good administrating the lack of resources while MM was a disaster because he destroyed the economy, he acchieved doble the inflation than CFK he took too much debt that was squandered.
Regarding whose fault is the AR economy, I think that we should go back to 1978 when the parents of the politicians who are now in power were part of the dictatorship.

The Federal Judge who investigated that debt found about 500 crimes. The father of the President got rich then.

When they made the Coup Argentina had the strongest industry in Souht America and the 2nd wider middle class after the US and a very small debt, about 4 billion usd.

They opened the economy, took 45 billion usd on loand to play casino, destroyed the industry, killed 30.000 people to make it happened and went to a stupid war when the economy was going to crash.

Those 45 billion usd are the issue of Argentina.

De la Rua and MM did more or less the same but without a genocide.

The dream team of De la Rua is more or less the same than with MM and they did the same but deeper.

It is silly to blame argentines.

Since the peace of Westfalia, the States are equals and the servitude relationships among them based on tribute were banned, the IMF by pass this prohibition because they play to be neutral.

No she wouldn't have. But that's assuming that the economy is the only problem Argentina has.

The people are to blame for voting. Now, it can be argued they made a mistake with Macri and so are voting him out. This would be fantastic if they were not just making another mistake by going backwards. I agree that they can do little about what the government does once in office. However, why does Argentina have such a shit record at electing presidents? They've almost all been terrible.

Furthermore, if all the Argentine people are "hoping to be part of the world economic community", they have zero chance under Kirchnerismo. So either way they won't be getting what they want.

Semigoodlooking Argentinians are European people and have the same aspirations as them . Of course they want to be part of the world community and earn similar wages and lifestyles . Macri promised for us all a better lifestyle with the capacity to buy dollars freely , reduced poverty, and a flood of investments coming in that would transform Argentina . After a few years of his presidency when people realised how much poorer they were and how their small business has been sent to ruin its completely normal to desire to go back to the devil you know . What choices did they have other than vote Macri out ? This is a vote against his presidency and as there is only one other party that can win the election the people have one choice only . Is this hard to fathom?

Blaming the argentinian people for the state of their country is pure folly , Argentinian people are much less materialistic than USA or Australian citizens and spend the least possible . The USA is the most indebted society on the planet with over 20 trilion dollar of debt . The only reason that they can continue is due to the USA dollar ( they can print it and its accepted at a very high value ) . China tomorrow can change all this and the value of the us dollar can plummet

I remember clearly when Greece had financial problems that are still ongoing the newspapers at the time demonised the people as being lazy and corrupt ( greeks work the longest hours in Europe ) They voted to leave the Euro but their corrupt politicians did not listen to them . Their recession has been ongoing for over 8 years .

Regarding the IMF debt this should have been voted on nationally and then if the people decide its on them . This did not happen and now the world wants to extract its blood from the argentinian people . Imagine if you atre working in a restaurant or a factory and the owner takes on a loan to improve his business and it fails does the debt then get transferred to the workers?

To use the good will of a country and borrow in a reckless manner without the approval of its people is a economic crime of inmense proportions . To then blame the same people for their economic mess that was imposed on them is ignorant and short sighted .

Most argentinian people work very long hours and are known to be dynamic and creative . Yes they can be also difficult and entitled people same as Australians or USA citizens . They have aspirations to lead a normal middle class lifestyle like most people in the western world . Now many commentators are saying that the people must pay and suffer the debt imposed on them against their free will . Once again if they willingly voted for the IMF loan yes the buck stops with them but this did not happen and this money was carelessly spent by the current government . This is 90% of the reason that Argentina is f.....d up .

Argentinian people make a lot of sacrifices in their daily lives as to be able to send their children to school and clothe and feed them . Many travel up to three to 4 hours a day just to get to work and home . Is it fair that these people that earn less than 500 dollars a month now have to earn half that due to the person in charge of the ship recklessly borrowing and spending their countries future?
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If you see all the defaults they happened when Argentina had a good relationship with the US.
The explanation is simple: we compete on agricultural goods so, the IMF lend usd to Argentina, the usd are cheap because they use for casino, the exchange rate asfixiates the exports and we have a crisis. 1956, 1982, 1989 (consequence of 1982), 2001 and now.