Dating For Women In The Their 40S?

I'm posting in this thread even though I should probably start one called dating in your 30's since my friend and I are still in our 30's. This was too good to pass up and I decided to relate one of the funniest dating disasters I've heard in Buenos Aires. My friend is Argentine and she went on a date with a young Argentine who is probably the cheapest bastard I've ever heard of. She had me cracking up the whole time.

He invited her out to dinner in Palermo and on his way to pick her up he called her on his Mom's cell phone since she was on vacation and he didn't want to eat up all his credit on his own cell phone. She walks out of her apartment and discovers that he came in his Mom's car. While they're driving to Palermo he asks her what she feels like doing and she didn't know since she assumed he had planned the date ahead of time. He sees a sign that says "cake promotion" and asks her if she wants cake. She agrees and he stops and buys the two slices for the price of one slice of cake. He kept talking the entire time about how cheap and undependable his friends are and what "ratas" they are. He tells her he was living with his Mom then he moved in with his girlfriend and after they broke up he decided to move back in with his Mom. He continues complaining about all his friends and putting them down. Then he randomly asks her what her ideal holiday celebration would be and she said to spend it surrounded by her family. He says he would love to have an asado in the country with a long table full of food and his family and friends and his mother at the head. Then he asks her if she's up for getting some empanadas because he knows a really cheap pizza/empanada place nearby. The only reason she didn't bale out then and there on the date was because she thought the situation was so absurd it was actually funny. They go and pick up the empanadas and he tells her has some wine in his Mom's car and suggests they eat the empanadas in the car. While they're sitting in the car like two 16 year olds, he starts bad mouthing his friends and keeps repeating what ratas they're are. She finally spoke up and said "Ratas conviven con ratas". "What did you say?" he asked. She replied: "You heard me. Rats live amongst rats". He couldn't believe she had said that. He immediately took her home and now whenever he sees her he refuses to say hello. I told her he's probably the type of guy that would pick up a girl for a "touch and go" and ask her to pay for the condoms.