Dating In Argentina / Dating Argentine Men

Prostitutes as female companion substitutes, all argie males being pushy, violent, alpha-males wannabees, foreign girls only good as Plan B or C and not worth introducing to the family. Only extremes, seriously?
"Dios los cría, ellos se juntan... y el viento los amontona!" Ladies and germs, you run with the wrong crowds

Is there anyone here that can claim has a normal, healthy life? Baby Jesus!

Oh my! I must live under a rock!
Guess I'll crawl back there, don't mind me.
I agree with the comment that Argentine men are more likely to stray than North Americans who have to deal with their historical puritanism. And even more open to Adventuras than Europeans. If you don't expect a well trained North American man then you might not be disappointed.

As far as competing with prostitutes, that is very likely an issue if you are dating a man 40 and over - much more so than a 20 something.
I certainly had my fair share of dating disasters in Argentina but then again, I did in the US as well ;)

There are cultural differences - I think I expounded on them at length in one of those threads so it doesn't bear repeating. All of it being said, I have been with my SO who is Argentine for several years and he is an absolutely amazing guy, not jealous at all, cooks far more than I do (and is better at it than I am!), would never go to a prostitute, prefers when I drive (so he can have more drinks ;) ), has no issues with my career when I was working and whom I trust implicitly.

Oh and he was more than happy to bring me home to his family and friends, even if I am a gringa :p

So in short, good guys are good guys, no matter where they are from. Do be aware that dating someone from another country does bring some challenges, you don't have the same "cultural shorthand" so to speak, so it requires really good communication to avoid misunderstandings. And also realize that if things get serious, you may be giving up on a life in your home country. Might not matter but it is something to think about.
Having dated in several continents, I have experienced one commonality. The worst - and I mean worst dating disasters were people I met through dating websites. One woman I met in Argentina via a dating website was after two dates emailing me with suicide threats... Needless to say I have sworn off of dating websites...
Thanks citygirl! Some of the postings here are obviously a bit too general and don't take individual personalities into account.

I'm presently in North America and was chatting with my friend last night, telling her about this wonderful ARG man that I met in BA. She immediately assumed that because he was latino, he had a wife and/or bunch of girlfriends... and that he was some sort of a scammer, trying to get a bunch of cash out of me.

I'm a 40 year old single woman with a (small) independent income. So sure, possibly. But I'm not sure that ARG man are any different from American/Canadian/European men, some are good and some are bad.

Woe is me!!! I still believe in love!!!
The worst - and I mean worst dating disasters were people I met through dating websites.

I tried that once too and you are right, all I could find on the dating site were hopeless cases. I never made it to a date though as the online communication did not invite to it. I had an exception on the CouchSurfing website, but that is not really a dating site. Before coming to Buenos Aires my first time, I searched to be in touch with locals that is why I joined that website and since I could choose who to contact, I contacted a woman whose profile I liked. We had a very intensive email conversation, though once I arrived in Buenos Aires, we quickly lost interest in each other. Afterwards, I attended a Spanish language exchange CouchSurfing event in my country, together with an Argentinian friend who was visiting Brussels. However, I found the event was dominated by uninteresting locals. Though that may not always be the case.
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I have a female friend from Salta and when I asked her opinion on Portenos, the only response I got were that they had a lot of undisclosed lovers. So maybe it is a BA thing and not a general Argentine phenomenon???

Another thing I have read about is the frequent occurrence of older North American and European woman falling for a younger man in the tango scene and being taken to the cleaners.
Another thing I have read about is the frequent occurrence of older North American and European woman falling for a younger man in the tango scene and being taken to the cleaners.

There are not only young Argentinian guys hitting on older Western women. You also see creepy old Argentinians (who may not even be able to dance) trying to hit on younger women. Sometimes Western women are a bit naive and there are these embarrassing situations were everyone in the milonga sees they are dancing with a creepy guy.
I think the bottom line here is that when men enter the women's forum, they destroy dreams...