One of the things I've seen in the areas I've lived in and spent the most time in (Parts of Retiro, Microcenter and Recoleta), is a very large number of people now carrying plastic bags and actually picking up after their dogs. It's been the last year or more that I noticed it. However, I'm not sure whether or not that's because it simply coincides with my apartment movement within Retiro about 15 months ago (from between 9 de Julio and Alem close to the station and villa and now I'm "officially" one block from Recoleta, moved to the other side of 9 de Julio).
Everyone where I live carries bags and picks up after their dogs. I've not seen anything worse than pissing and that usually not in the middle of the walk. We have a couple of signs I've seen telling people to pick up.
It used to be a huge pet peeve of mine. At one point in time, the road that led up to the foreign ministry building (other side of the street from the ministry building) would be full of piles. Now that I think about it, that was going away before I moved out of there.
Recoleta, around the cemetery along Vicente Lopez and down Azcuenega, used to be full of crap. I've noticed that cleaning up as well.
I've also noticed things being quite a bit cleaner. I remember when I moved here, it was horrible. The carteneros used to leave crap scattered around and it would get blown up the street and scattered about. I don't see much of that any more.
Maybe the meme of taking pride in your surroundings is spreading and it will take more time to radiate throughout the city. But will it ever defeat the graffiti?
Now, as to the noise - I find it wherever I've lived and to varying degrees. Always plagued by parties on the weekends in various proximity to our domicile. Even in Garin, in a closed neighborhood, we had some local parties and a ton from the villa not too far away that were quite disturbing. We have an upstairs neighbor who has a son who likes to play futbol in the house with his friends, complete with play-by-play yelled out breathlessly, the inevitable "goooooollllll" and the equally mandated breakage of something fragile. Not to mention feet noise that sounds like a herd of brontosauruses stampeding. There was even a party one time about 6 months ago (the kid was graduating high school - yes, I wasn't talking about a ten-year-old) where the cops came and shut them down and harassed my oldest girl and her friend when they were leaving to go to a club.
But it doesn't happen all the time and I've learned to pretty much ignore it. I can imagine how terrible it would be to have something that was purposefully creating noise for long periods of time. I don't even know how to suggest to go about fixing the issue.
I can relate a quick story about a neighbor of an acquaintance of mine who rents his apartment out temporary. The neighbor didn't like having a temporary apartment across the hall. I don't blame him, I can understand his valid complaints. But his method of protesting was to collect urine and pour it out on the door mat of his nemesis' apartment. My other good friend who manages the apartment planted a pen camera in the indoor plant nearby and caught him doing it. The neighbor was planting the urine and then protesting to the administration that the temporary residents were coming back literally piss-drunk and letting it out before they got in the door.
But I wouldn't really suggest that...