Dealing with noisy neighbour in an apartment block

Actually, it's the cats that run loose and shit everywhere. But I agree that many Argentines neglect their dogs.

Try walking down my sidewalk on my street from my 30 blocks from my house to downtown I once counted over 150 dog turds on the sidewalk..... amazingly in many assorted shapes, sizes AND colors ;)
Try walking down my sidewalk on my street from my 30 blocks from my house to downtown I once counted over 150 dog turds on the sidewalk..... amazingly in many assorted shapes, sizes AND colors ;)

Thats a lot of crap, i mean you counted a lot of crap, not you wrote a lot of crap :)
Thats a lot of crap, i mean you counted a lot of crap, not you wrote a lot of crap :)

I became sort of a game after a while walking many dog truds we could count from my front door to downtown in like 30 blocks. Never lower than about 100 sometimes as high as almost 300.....306 is the record so far....

If they cleaned all of the dog crap from the sidewalks of argentine cities and processed it and turned it into fertilizer....well you get my drift... that's alot of fertilizer
Ha, Do you get double points for spotting a white dog turd? Rare as rocking horse turds back home they are.
That is why Buenos Aires is full of Screw Worm Flys. Be very aware if your dog or cat has any open cuts or woulds they could be toast in a matter of 2 days.
That is why Buenos Aires is full of Screw Worm Flys. Be very aware if your dog or cat has any open cuts or woulds they could be toast in a matter of 2 days.

Not to mention a child could go blind from Toxicariasis caught from dog excrement.
Ha, Do you get double points for spotting a white dog turd? Rare as rocking horse turds back home they are.

ACtually with the cartoneros and their horse drawn quite a few horse turds in the street aslo...but the amount of dog crap...its phenomenal..

At least 15 times since I've been here have I unknowingly stepped in it......
I know you all have things to complain about, but if you're not willing to take some action to improve your neighborhood, then stop complaining.

Street noise, garbage, dog excrement and contamination is common in all large cities. The city government is working to reduce noise and recycle garbage to make this a "slow" city and a "green" city. Everyone has to do their part to make it happen. Education and awareness are vital. It takes time to change old habits.

This thread is about personal space in one's own home without noise contamination from disrespectful and unconsciousness neighbors who forget they don't live alone in this world. My downstairs neighbor continues the harassment by turning on the television when she is not at home. It was on from 4:00pm Saturday until 11:30am today. The noise contamination from her apartment has escalated over the past year to the point that I don't have a normal routine; my sleeping is interrupted almost daily. I can't live normally in my own apartment. I'm doing what is available to all residents in the capital federal who have problems with the neighbors.