John.St said:American voters sympathetic to the Tea Party movement reflect four primary cultural and political beliefs more than other voters do: authoritarianism, libertarianism, fear of change, and negative attitudes toward immigrants and immigration, according to new research to be presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association.
Fat chance, me bhoy, considering some 40 (forty) percent of the US population believe the Sun is orbiting the Earth. Even in Shri Lanka or Zimbabwe you'll be hard pressed to find 30% supporting this enlightened idea.Philsword said:Thanks for this, its important for people to become educated about what this movement [The tea bag ...] is all about so that it can be rolled back into the far fringes where this kind of thinking belongs.
John.St said:Fat chance, me bhoy, considering some 40 (forty) percent of the US population believe the Sun is orbiting the Earth. Even in Shri Lanka or Zimbabwe you'll be hard pressed to find 30% supporting this enlightened idea.
captainmcd said:I believe that the left leaning media and many on this thread have unfairly viewed the tea party as a bunch of stupid racists. I view them as a group of people opposed to big government, who through regulation gains control of people's lives. Most of the evil in the world, such as Nazis in Germany and Comunism in Cuba and North Korea are examples of governmental control taken to the extreme. This thread has come a long way from its original direction of observing the fall of the peso!
captainmcd said:I wonder how many of the critics have ever been to a tea party rally? It seems that they have been peaceful, unlike rallys by leftists who loot and burn businesses in the U.K. Saying that someone who disagrees with the president of the United States is a racist is like saying anyone who disagrees with CFK's policies is a sexist. The tea party is a diverse group of people who are not satisfied with the direction of the U.S. Of course there are some extremists in any movement, but that does not define the movement.
salgueiro said:Please tell us - exactly what does define the movement?