Down, down, down (a peso devaluation thread)

captainmcd said:
I wonder how many of the critics have ever been to a tea party rally? It seems that they have been peaceful, unlike rallys by leftists who loot and burn businesses in the U.K. Saying that someone who disagrees with the president of the United States is a racist is like saying anyone who disagrees with CFK's policies is a sexist. The tea party is a diverse group of people who are not satisfied with the direction of the U.S. Of course there are some extremists in any movement, but that does not define the movement.

There certainly people in the movement that do advocate violence including overthrowing the government by force if they don't get their way. If these extremists aren't what the movement is about then why don't they denounce them and remove them from their membership rolls? Street thugs in the U.K. can't be compared to these people, who are trying with some success in setting the agenda of one of the two major parties in the U.S. The possibility of these people being put in charge of the government makes them 1000 more dangerous than the thugs in the U.K.

Here a link some of the calls for violence from the far right in the U.S.
LOL... for the most part the Tea party is a bunch of uneducated, super religious, anti abortion, no taxes at all,... idiots. Apparently recent poles suggest they are less popular than Muslims...even Atheists. Yes Atheists...the worst of them all!!! :p
Michelle Bachman is a Tea Party favorite to run for president... enough said.
captainmcd said:
This thread has come a long way from its original direction of observing the fall of the peso!

I just hope it doesn't get "locked" soon.
captainmcd said:
I wonder how many of the critics have ever been to a tea party rally? It seems that they have been peaceful, unlike rallys by leftists who loot and burn businesses in the U.K. Saying that someone who disagrees with the president of the United States is a racist is like saying anyone who disagrees with CFK's policies is a sexist. The tea party is a diverse group of people who are not satisfied with the direction of the U.S. Of course there are some extremists in any movement, but that does not define the movement.

It always amazes me when I read comments like this. Have YOU ever been to a "leftist" rally in the States? I'm afraid it's got absolutely nothing to do with "looting and burning businesses". In fact, when I have been to rallies/protests (this whole right vs. left/two party system makes me a bit ill anyway and I think is part of the problem) they have been exclusively peaceful until the police get involved and try to shut down free speech with pepper gas and rubber bullets. It's also always been the conservative anti-protest people with their signs who make the snarky, closed minded, ignorant comments. Part of the problem with "left" versus "right" is that the "left" is a very disparate group of people and viewpoints wheras the "right" tends to be a lot more homogenous and therefore able to rally around "their" causes more effectively. Groupthink.

I don't think anybody ever said that someone who disagrees with the President is a racist (that's a red herring) rather that the people who associate with the tea party are more inclined to be authoritarian, and have narrow, if not very closed minded, attitudes towards immigrants and immigration ( They also largely oppose abortion and gay rights, protecting the environment ( among a slew of other more progressive social viewpoints and show a tendency to base their viewpoints in religious doctrine.

I actually agree that the government has too much power, is too influenced by donations, and is too wasteful (war spending, influence of powerful lobbies, farming subsidies for corn and most recently poultry bailout:, but there is a LOT lot more to this than just taxes.
cbphoto said:
LOL... for the most part the Tea party is a bunch of uneducated, super religious, anti abortion, no taxes at all,... idiots. Apparently recent poles suggest they are less popular than Muslims...even Atheists. Yes Atheists...the worst of them all!!! :p

Yes thankfully people appear to be waking up to the threat. People I know get tired of me bringing this up but I consider almost a patriotic duty to get the word out on the threat that these people represent.
The tea party and it's activities have always existed, it's just that now it has a name. There will always be extremists on both sides. The news here is that people are paying attention to the extreme right because big government has gotten so out of control.
cbphoto said:
LOL... for the most part the Tea party is a bunch of uneducated, super religious, anti abortion, no taxes at all,... idiots. Apparently recent poles suggest they are less popular than Muslims...even Atheists. Yes Atheists...the worst of them all!!! :p

You left out pro-capitalist and racist.

As Phil said,

Philsword said:
According to a study on the issue the tea party is full of people who are racists and are using tea party events to recruit people into various white supremacist groups. What people need to remember the tea party is a populist movement, populist movements are almost always authoritarian in nature. When I see who is hanging around these people I don't need any more evidence that these people are potentially dangerous and need to be exposed for what they are.

And once they are exposed they can be dealt with.

Bill Ayers a longtime friend of the president, outlined the solution long ago:
jb5 said:
The tea party and it's activities have always existed, it's just that now it has a name. There will always be extremists on both sides. The news here is that people are paying attention to the extreme right because big government has gotten so out of control.

The tea party solution is to blow it up. Calmer heads believe intelligent reforms are needed. Which would you prefer?
steveinbsas said:
You left out pro-capitalist and racist.

The only poll that really matters is also known as an election.

As Phil said,

And once they are exposed they can be dealt with.

Bill Ayers a longtime friend of the president, outlined the solution long ago:

I guess this is suppose to be humor.