Down, down, down (a peso devaluation thread)

Again, I'm not pro tea party. I'd much prefer a rational solution. But I do want a solution. We need change in the US. REAL change. It's crazy that we've gotten so off course.
Philsword said:
The tea party solution is to blow it up. Calmer heads believe intelligent reforms are needed. Which would you prefer?

When did anyone from the "tea party" blow anything up?
I find it amazing the interpretation of US politics down here. The skewed and extreme views of the various parties is laughable. There is a place for both parties views and to label one as terrorists just goes to show you the level of misinformation being spewed.
jb5 said:
Again, I'm not pro tea party. I'd much prefer a rational solution. But I do want a solution. We need change in the US. REAL change. It's crazy that we've gotten so off course.

I agree a rational solution makes sense. How do you get a rational pragmatic solution with extremists who don't believe in compromise? I don't think you do, that's why these people and these ideas have to be defeated at the polls.
I think it can be done by both parties once the cancer in the GOP is removed.
Well Phil, we're also dealing with extremists on the left who seem to believe the US is a socialist country. If only either side would nominate a centrist candidate who can competently run a country.
jb5 said:
Well Phil, we're also dealing with extremists on the left who seem to believe the US is a socialist country. If only either side would nominate a centrist candidate who can competently run a country.

You hear this all the time that Obama is a socialist or communist and very far left. I look at his record and I am not seeing it. Seems pretty middle of the road to me. Perhaps you are referring to someone else. Wouldn't you agree that the far right is much more a problem and that the far left in this country is barely on the radar screen. I'm not a fan of either extreme and would consider myself a moderate.
Yes...again the fear factor tea party B.S... that Obama is a Communist. He is trying to do his work in the middle.. The only "new taxes" he has asked for are of those that make over $1000000 a year. What a commie !!! That is asking too much of the republican/tea party... which of course, always has the interest of the poor and middle class, close to it's heart.
If you can show me where it is said that the tea party wishes to get rid of social security and other entitlements I would agree, but you are very misinformed and are just paying attention to political propaganda. Basically the tea party wants lower flat tax rates eliminating loopholes to spur economic activity while trying to control spending by enacting some of the same austerity measures that england and france are proposing. The people that are calling them extremists basically do not know what they are talking about. I am not a tea partiest, but I am glad at least one group is trying to get us out of the same old politics that have been self destructive to this country.
I will repeat: Michele Bachman is their #1 choice to be the next President of the United States. Followed by Rick Perry... If this is who their leaders are (their voice)... I would say they have nothing good planed for the United States.
chicagocouple said:
If you can show me where it is said that the tea party wishes to get rid of social security and other entitlements I would agree, but you are very misinformed and are just paying attention to political propaganda. Basically the tea party wants lower flat tax rates eliminating loopholes to spur economic activity while trying to control spending by enacting some of the same austerity measures that england and france are proposing. The people that are calling them extremists basically do not know what they are talking about. I am not a tea partiest, but I am glad at least one group is trying to get us out of the same old politics that have been self destructive to this country.

Well I think we know by now they don't want any increase in taxes. Without reforms that would require both cuts and tax increases SS and medicare are toast. Look at some of their candidates statements like Rick Perry who says SS is a big ponzi scheme. Obviously these people don't plan on keeping it going they just mumble something about privatization or turning it over to the states nothing very specific other than getting rid of what exists.