In different places in the Province of Buenos Aires, IF your: (1) Driver's License is expired(US, Bolivia, Argentine, etc.), or if your (2) Auto Insurance is unpaid, or if your (3) Annual Vehicle Inspection Sticker(on windshield) (Not GNC sticiker) is expired, They can and will take, impound, your car. And if your out of town, that can be a real mess. That's what happened to us in Bahia Blanca, and then they started the same procedure in Medanos, Argentina(Prov de Buenos Aires). So... keep whatever Driver's License, Auto Insurance and Vehicle Inspections up to date!!! It must be a new revenue making (scam) process. Allow 2 weeks minimum when renewing your Driver's license in Argentina before it's invalid. You can get a 2 month extension if you have to repair something on your car from the Annual Vehicle Inspection. And always keep your headlights on outside of any town or city because they fine you heavy for that too!