Effects Of A Default On Expats

I agree that Matías's monomania can be tiresome, but his mental gymnastics are occasionally amusing.

Sure, his brain is pure muscle...

However, i suggest him to apply for Don Alberto former Job, he is a lot better than him on distracting attention and, doing that, to enable attacks against Mr. V.

Majority of the people in Argentina save in pesos. Saving in dollars is for the upper middle class of Buenos Aires, nobody else.



Funny, who are all those poor people that I sell dollars to every month? I give them published rates to buy dollars rather than the raking they would get from the cambios when trying to buy dollars because so many people are buying dollars and no one wants pesos...

I'm talking about lower middle class and poor Argentinos, Peruvians and Paraguayans, all people I know. Every month some of this group account for buying the dollars that I sell to pay for my monthly expenses, because they realize the futility of saving in pesos. They won't touch the peso and they are not nearly upper-middle-class families.

My wife and her family just had a birthday party for one of our nieces, a 1 year old little sweetheart. The other half of the family is Peruvian, some better off than others (just like our side of the family). They all worked together last night and today preparing the meal for this evening and fed around 40 relatives, most of whom were tickled pink to have a meal that consisted of something other than crap (many eat "tortillas" which is nothing more than flour and water mixed together and fried in globs). Two of the women (all of them have kids) who were out of work got to take home a lot of the leftovers, and the rest was apportioned out to just about everyone else who was there.

As my wife said later: "did you see how desperate they were to get something to eat?"

A lot of them have bought dollars from us at one time or another to save money. They would rather save against a true rainy day than eat well all the time.
This article made it very clear as to the cause of the default. Everything will be fine for Argentina, and not so fine for the greedy hedge funds. We just need to wait it out.

Ah, the wonders of today's media landscape. Just read the right article - regarding any subject - and all will be clear.
I'm only being part facetious. This is really everything that's wrong today.
Nice, easy to read article for economics dunces like me.
So, panic over then?