Escape From Fireworksville

Given the way the Argies usually celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace by setting off an Assad's share of rockets, the famiglia has resolved to ditch BA this Xmas for less explosive climes. Do any of you fantastic, swell-looking people have recommendations for a quiet holiday getaway that would be well out of screaming rocket range? It doesn't necessarily have to be in Argentina, but within the continent would keep things within budget.

Thanks in advance, and may Vishnu bless us each and all!

Sugary tuna or chicken cake,brown slop and cold meat and white slop with veg you mean? Am going to whale into the booze without shame or remorse to line my stomach. Never thought I would miss boring bland turkey and sprouts!

I lock myself indoors, especially on New Year's. I hate fireworks, and even more their irresponsible use.
"Its" texture.

The mayonnaise situation is far worse here in Chile, where they use it drown everything. If you ask for a sandwich "sin mayonesa," they react as if you can from another planet.

Oh My, my apologies. You're absolutely right I accidentally did the bad grammar thing. Shame on me.

And if you give me a hamburger with mayonnaise I won't eat it, unless I'm starving. Otherwise I can take it... but too much is too much.
Ok I'm relieved about the potato salad. I was afraid you were going to tell me it had some unwanted/disgusting additional ingredient or something. I actually like a good potato salad and would think nothing of serving it with a festive meal in warm weather.
It would be wrong to think of it as potato salad, think of it as a slop of carrots, potatoes and peas that looks like it could already tell you a few tales about what the human digestive system looks like up close.
Well, if they don't follow proper procedure, like refrigeration, I don't love the idea of having potato salad sitting out in this kind of weather for hours.
Hi Ed,
I just got back from Ecuador and would reccomend it...I don't know what their customs are regarding fireworks. But in particular, if you go to the Galapagos, I would guess you'd be safe. It's all about preserving a pristine environment. And it's an amazing place. But a bit pricey...otherwise a quiet family beach in Uruguay?
I also spent one Christmas two years ago in the old mountain villages along the Brazilian sierras outside of Bello Horizonte--places like Pret De Oro, and the others. lovely, family oriented Portuguese type villages snuggled in the mountains. They were VERY quiet and laid back, clean and completely safe.
Holy Cow, Ecuador is not the country to go to for avoiding noise!!! I traveled from north to south and rarely was I NOT within ear shot of a blaring car alarm!!! One of the locals told me that when a young man gets a new car he repeatedly sets off the car alarm to attract available females interested in a prosperous male. It's like a mating call and perhaps this is why the birds in Ecuadorian Amazonia mimic the car alarm sounds.

One of the pleasures of being back in Argentina is the sweet absence of 24/7 car alarms...
I haven't had to eat any of these:

1) ???????????
2) Marinated tongue?
3) Something smothered in salsa golf?

1) No
2) No
3) No

But thanks for reminding me, please add lengua a la vinagreta to the list.

Now you have your four horsemen of the Christmas culinary apocalypse that symbolise the following:
Polite tasting to appease the in-laws

Now lets get back to answering Mr Rooney's question.
It would be wrong to think of it as potato salad, think of it as a slop of carrots, potatoes and peas that looks like it could already tell you a few tales about what the human digestive system looks like up close.

So much for my vision of crushed new potatoes with the skin still on, olives, finely chopped onion and eqq, lightly tossed in mayo. :p

Back to the OP's question, would there be any quiet beaches in Uruguay over the Christmas break ... or do they not start filling up until the New Year?