But saying things like money is the root of all evil and if we could just make sure everyone got some, all hte problems would go away is not only naive, it's incredibly divisive.
Money isn't the root of all evil - it's THE LOVE OF MONEY which is the root of all evil i.e. greed. Although you are right - just redistributing wealth isn't going to change the fact that people are greedy and mostly always going to want more than their fair share (or be wasteful, not share, etc.). Sooner or later after such a redistribution we'll still end up with the same situation.
On the other hand I think that dividing the resources is at least SOMETHING, and is a good thing.
Someone asked how is wealth created? Naturally! All the wealth that the world has are the natural resources (that we exploit rather than use responsibly) i.e food, water, fuel, everything. And our wealth is also our brains and our physical capacities (again, that are exploited rather than used responsibly). Cash and finances ARE NOT real wealth. Unfortunately most of the world has been brainwashed into believing that and so they focus their efforts of getting more money, or restructuring economies, all the while, the people with the real power use this blindness to gain more and more control of the real wealth (i.e. natural and human resources) to further exploit everyone and everything for their own advantage.
If people started working together, and worked at doing what was needed, as opposed to simply doing things as a means to making more money or living more comfortably (and got out of the self-deluded tunnel that what we wear/drive/possess is important),and also started SHARING what they don't need/use/have left over everyone WOULD have what they need - AND we would have more time for the important things in life like focusing on human relationships, and enjoying (rather than exploiting) and bettering the world we live in.
There are enough resources (food, fuel, everything) for everyone to have a decent standard of living, and to have enough food (people in the U.S. and U.K. for example each throw away one third or more of all edible food, simply because it looks 'ugly' or has gone past it's technical expiry date).
While the problem could be superficially resolved with a political solution, it's really a spiritual problem, and needs a spiritual solution. i.e. people need to change their attitudes and behaviour. You can excuse yourself from doing anything by waiting for the governments of the world to do something, or you can start doing something right now to get the ball moving. It's only ever going to happen when people decide to change themselves anyway. The whole world may very well not change, but at least you will be playing your part, and you can't buy the integrity and peace of mind that comes when you know you are doing your best to do the right thing in this regard.
End of sermon.