Europe Is Alike Argentina 2001

If you redistribute wealth, starvation will finish, and poverty, and misery, and every social problem.
If you redistribute wealth, production will finish.

Why don't workers start their own factories?
Because it takes capital and risk willingness.

In Danmark workers started a number of companies, about 30. Most went bankrupt within 15 years because their products were substandard and nepotism was rife. They hired hundreds of friends and family as incompetent executives, just like in Argentina. Only one of these companies exist today.
Canada has a pretty similar economic system to Australia and the USA. It's basically a capital system (well as close as you will get in the world anyway). Like Australia, there is still significant social welfare (health, education, other benefits and payments for low income earners etc). A capitalist economy in this day and age doesn't mean it's citizens get thrown to the wolves, despite what UBA may teach you.

Look UBA doesnt teach me anything of that, again you re wrong, so quit saying things you dont know.

I understood Canada is way different than the US, a less inequality society, a less violent society, and yes, I think that a lot of the US people are thrown to the wolves, the difference is that with money, since the US has this great policies of internal market and a dynamic economy although is turning more and more inequality. But yes in mi mind Canada is a more present state than the US, you dont have big social problems as you have in the US.
If you redistribute wealth, production will finish.

Why don't workers start their own factories?
Because it takes capital and risk willingness.

In Danmark workers started a number of companies, about 30. Most went bankrupt within 15 years because their products were substandard and nepotism was rife. They hired hundreds of friends and family as incompetent executives, just like in Argentina. Only one of these companies exist today.

you can perfectly product with the presence of the state (taxes/subsidios) and with the workers too (social security, health unions, pensions, etc)
Dont forget it is the State that guarantees and support the world richest fortunes. It was the state that saved the capital in its worst crisis, or medium crisis like 2008 (700,000,000,000 dollars to the banks, from where did that money appears if not from the common citizen?)
If you redistribute wealth, production will finish.
And Atlas Shrugged.

Seems to me after watching Masters of Money again the solution is exactly as Jefferson described 200 years ago. Issuing paper should be a government acitivty not in the domain of a private central bank.

The austerity in Spain, Portugal, Greece is being imposed by Germany and the IMF on these peoples. But these peoples cannot pay back the debt. Ever. GErmany and the IMF are imposing austerity b/c these countries owe bondholders money. The bondholders should lose.

The solution is for Club Med to drop the Euro and move on. They should be using their own currencies. Their currencies should be issued by their own people, owed to their own peolple.
from where did that money appears if not from the common citizen?)

Actually this is the exact mis understanding in society... the government does not create money in today's system. Private banks known as Central Banks print the money in the form of debts, In the crisis printed/created money went to buy valueless assets to get them off balance sheets. Those are known as bad investments. Those who made them should go bankrupt. They did not. Why did they do this? To prop up the fortunes of their buddies. You are correct we the people are on the hook for this looting through taxes. But we are on the hook to private banks who alreayd took the money once. Ans this is the problem. This is not capitalism. So don't blame capitalism. It is crony capitalism if you;d like. Or neo fuedal capitalism. But it is not free market.
I dont know Australia, but what I know from Canada is that -I dont know if its from french heritage- but they do have a big state that covers social needs like health and education, unlike other more "oriented to market" states, like England or the US. The nordics for example, have a huge state, the sweddish is the most close to communism I know, they are of course social states.

He is completely out of his depth. He missed the NHS in the UK, but worse, he also is unaware of the many social welfare programs in the US, like the EBT, medicare, medicaid, social security, TANF and many more.
you can perfectly product with the presence of the state (taxes/subsidios) and with the workers too (social security, health unions, pensions, etc)
Dont forget it is the State that guarantees and support the world richest fortunes. It was the state that saved the capital in its worst crisis, or medium crisis like 2008 (700,000,000,000 dollars to the banks, from where did that money appears if not from the common citizen?)
Oh, absolutely - why don't they?

Where are all the factories started by the workers and financed by state capital?

Allende (or to be exact: the rabid socialists, which he couldn't control) tried something like it in Chile, except the workers stole factories, they started nothing. All of it went down the drain.
doesn't mean it's citizens get thrown to the wolves, despite what UBA may teach you.

Besides the out of place comment against a respected university that i understand as a racist comment against argentinians,
It is not what is teach at UBA, it is experience on what happend in this country every time somebody with markets ideas was in power.

You can explain people without medieval insurance in the US your comment about wolves.