Expat Moms - are Argentine kids rude?

I don't see the harm in taking a kid to a late dinner if he/she behaves and has a good time.
What's so wrong with involving them in adults routines?
Kids need a lot more sleep than adults do and are generally not in the best of states if kept up too late.
PhilipDT said:
Kids need a lot more sleep than adults do and are generally not in the best of states if kept up too late.

Phil dont confuse staying up late and not getting enough sleep as many of these kids are in bed until noon at the weekend and/or sleeping 2 hour siestas. As mine wake me up without fail at 7am, each and every day I presumed all kids were the same until I organised my eldest's 6th birthday party at the zoo for 9.30am on a Saturday morning and how the kids parents started to complain at having to be up early. Whilst I envy parents who get to lie in I prefer to seize the day and be out playing sports with the kids than sleeping half the day but to each his own. Personally at dinner I just cannot relax if my noisy 2 yr old is with us so we are all happier if he's in bed with a baby sitter and there are many times when I think child free restaurants and planes would be a damn popular thing..its my Hugenot side coming out!
bebero said:
I don't see the harm in taking a kid to a late dinner if he/she behaves and has a good time.
What's so wrong with involving them in adults routines?

Nothing, but how often do you see them having a good time?

Kids who are tired misbehave. Hell, I get pretty cranky myself. At 4 a.m. the night of Noche en Vela, I saw a woman walking around with three kids. One was a baby, fast asleep in the stroller. The other two were under age 5, and were crying. They looked exhausted. They weren't the only kids I saw out and about that night, super late. None of them looked happy after 1 a.m.

A few weeks ago, after waiting an hour to be seated, the waiter at Sarkis took my party to the upstairs section, where every other big table had at least two young and very cranky kids. The parents were sipping their wine or Coca Cola, oblivious, enjoying their sobre mesa. It was 11:45 p.m. and I felt like I was at McDonald's. But I have to wonder, if they parents are just going to ignore the kids, why not leave them with abuela or something? Latin families are awesome that way. You never have to pay for a baby-sitter because there's always a relative around!

Many people here don't sleep much during the week, and "catch up" on the weekends. It's just how they do things. My Argentine roommate sleeps alllll weekend long. She gets really irritated if a repairman has to come on the weekend, because "That's when people sleep!!" Then of course on Monday she's exhausted, because she couldn't fall asleep at a decent hour the night before, and the cycle starts again. Anyone who rides public transportation Monday mornings before 9 knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Few kids behave well late at night. They want to go to sleep, not hang out in a crowded, noisy restaurant.
Lee said:
I have found them to be rude and self-centered so why would they be considerate to their children?

They are just raising the next generation of rude self-centered Argentines...and so the cycle continues.

what's with the hatred?
PhilipDT said:
What's with the rude self-centricity?

Saying that all people are rude and self-centered is exactly the same as stating that all americans are ignorant or fat.

Some argentinians are rude and self centered, so are some expats.
Some americans are ignorant and fat, so are some argentinians.

I find it funny that you can state something like that and nobody says a thing but if you were to say something bad about ALL black people, or asians, or jews, everyone would be furious (and that'd be completely reasonable, but why just react with SOME things?)
I agree with you , my kids have their own toys and each time we go to the park other kids want to play with their toys , my kids share with them but they never return the toys back again !!! , parents say anything ... It seems is normal to give them all what they want ???

Poor spoiled children...