Falklands Referendum

I think that Argentina does have some claim to the islands, but the problem is that they started a war over it, and lots of people died over it. Now the British are not going to give it up so easily. Imagine that the British government has to tell those people that fought and died over Malvinas that are still alive that they've decided to give up the Islands? Argentina should have never started a war if they were really interested in the Islands. But, of course, everyone here knows that the war wasn't started over the Islands themselves, but by governments that needed a war to stay in power.

The people lost in all of this are the Kelpers. It's their home, and they have a right to stay and choose their government, if you ask me. But maybe a truce could be that Britain decided to negotiate some sort of payment for the islands, or that Britain gives some sort of concession to Argentina. Studying the history of it all, it goes back and forth, and I do think Argentina has a case to make there, although since I'm not law expert, I don't have a clue. Whatever, happens, I hope the Kelpers don't get the short end of the stick from either of these governments.
I think that Argentina does have some claim to the islands, but the problem is that they started a war over it, and lots of people died over it. Now the British are not going to give it up so easily. Imagine that the British government has to tell those people that fought and died over Malvinas that are still alive that they've decided to give up the Islands? Argentina should have never started a war if they were really interested in the Islands. But, of course, everyone here knows that the war wasn't started over the Islands themselves, but by governments that needed a war to stay in power.

The people lost in all of this are the Kelpers. It's their home, and they have a right to stay and choose their government, if you ask me. But maybe a truce could be that Britain decided to negotiate some sort of payment for the islands, or that Britain gives some sort of concession to Argentina. Studying the history of it all, it goes back and forth, and I do think Argentina has a case to make there, although since I'm not law expert, I don't have a clue. Whatever, happens, I hope the Kelpers don't get the short end of the stick from either of these governments.

The problem is that, if Argentina should come to any settlement, they would lack an essential domestic distraction. In fact, Argentina should reimburse Britain for the cost of the war and additional defense costs since 1982, and reimburse the Islanders for pain and suffering.
... But maybe a truce could be that Britain decided to negotiate some sort of payment for the islands, or that Britain gives some sort of concession to Argentina.
Argentina was offered to share the oil and gas around the Falklands, but Néstor Kirchner tore the contract up in 2007.
Is this really true?
That the Malvinas War Memorial appears to have been abandoned?

No, it's not true. They still slap various members of the military up in front of the memorial on a daily basis. I'm back and have been giving a ridiculous amount of tours and there have been soldiers/sailors/... in front of the memorial.
What I meant by this is that the brtish came here and conquer the islands, like Spain and Portugal Latin America. But Latin America got the independence, they didnt want to remain with the metropoli, they wanted to be autonomous. Its a totally different thing of remaining british. So theres no third part of this conflict, its not Arg, Uk and the keplers. Is arg and the uk.

What you are missing here, is that the Islanders are British by choice. Britain could choose to reject their association, or equally the Islanders could choose to be Argentine, or completely independent. The Falklands do not belong to Britain. They belong to the Islanders, who freely choose to associate with Britain.

So its irrelevant how far away Britain is. The modern debate surrounding the Falklands has always centered on the Islanders. Argentina avoids discussing the Islanders because it enables them to create an unresolvable conflict. Britain can not negotiate away a territory it doesn't own. The only people with real power to decide their future are the Islanders. And Argentine refuses to discuss anything with them.

To be honest, I'd say that the issue was already resolved. Everyone has what they want. Britain doesn't have to do anything beyond funding a military base. The Islanders are deciding their own future. And Argentina has a reliable domestic distraction and an international cause celebre. Win Win Win.

As was anticipated 98% of Falkland Islanders voted to maintain the current political status of the Islands as a British Overseas Territory, it was announced late Monday evening by the local electoral authorities.