Famous Expat Struggled To Leave Arg, Now Returns Voluntarily

AR bound is a role model BA expat.

In years to come, his alias will be quoted in examples!

How so? Or do you mean poster child for those thinking about going
to teach English in BsAs, looking for Peanut Butter and Dr. Pepper,
and not knowing how to use the search bar? :p

In my own defense Joe created this topic, I'm just doing my
public service of periodically responding B)

You know what, speaking of Joe, would you guys believe
even after making at least 2 or 3 topics about me, he has
never once offered to take me out for a slice? Maybe since I'm
paid in a more stable currency now it should be me doing offering.

Regardless of how you cut it, it's a real crime

There will be folktales and melodies regarding you in years to come.

Grannys will tell your tales to kids!
Rumour has it that ARbound is taking back superior Argentine boxed teas to Toronto for Expo 98.

Actually its the mini Dia brand chocolate cookies, they're like 1cm thick, have a chocolate center,
they're pretty tasty. I'll bring them back. Dear leader will be happy, some of my USD will remain
in the country, don't tell her though, we wouldn't want to spook the Blue any further today

Actually its the mini Dia brand chocolate cookies, they're like 1cm thick, have a chocolate center,
they're pretty tasty. I'll bring them back. Dear leader will be happy, some of my USD will remain
in the country, don't tell her though, we wouldn't want to spook the Blue any further today


toddy would do better, those are some fine cookies!
Traditionally people take back Alphawhores from Argentina.

Traditionally people take back Alphawhores from Argentina.


Well I'm not traditional I suppose, though I am partial to the Milka Oreo 3 layer ones, they're pretty damn good.
I was also hoping there would be a Kit-Kat alphajor by time I get back, a man can dream, right?