Finding Interesting Items For Sale On Mercado Libre

And, if you're looking for hand-crafted souvenirs (that look back at you...well, sort of...):

Inspired by Dr. Evil (of Austin Powers movie fame) who fled to outer space in a "Big Boy" rocket ship, it is now known how this "Big Baby" recently escaped the bounds of Earth's gravity in an altruistic attempt to quarantine himself and stop the spread of the offensive strain of Stenoblauch Symbiosis after testing positive for the "carrier gene" which was transmitted to him through his fasha's Goldmember:

I can buy this Art Nouveau door (about 3 meters tall = 10 ft) which is reproduced in a book about Art Nouveau buildings in Buenos Aires (the house has been demolished since).

I wonder how much such a door would sell in the US (I won't buy to resell, just for my future house... But wondering. Maybe Ries or another ironworker has an idea?)





How much did you pay?
How much did you pay?
I didn't buy it yet, but it's expensive (around 6.000 USD) and I don't have a big budget unfortunately (I buy usually things I pay 15/20% of the value for, since many sellers don't know what they have).
Example of a very cheap purchase (but I buy for myself, not to resell), is this painting for which the auctionneers (lot 396 here ) couldn't decipher the signature, so they described it as "European school", with no reserve price

The artist is Gen Paul (French), paid 60 euros for it :p (would sell for 3.000/4.000 euros in a French auction)

I should run an arts & antique business again, jaja (but tricky to export right now)
