Finding Interesting Items For Sale On Mercado Libre

For the past six months I've been shopping for and buying "faroles" for the exterior of the galpon/future estancia style guest house.

I already bought a few but I until today I was still looking for two "outstanding" lamps to use on either side of the main entrance.

I like these but the building front isn't very "tall" and there is an eve in the way (the roof slants forward):


Besides, I had no desire to spend $12,000 pesos, which is the asking price for the pair.

I like the basic style of this farol. It was priced at $1650 but there was only one available:

This one was even nicer but the price was $3000 and it did not include a bracket to mount to the wall:

I finally found a matching pair this morning:

This pair was priced at $1,200 pesos and the seller was willing to ship them to me.

The proportions are perfect for the place I will use them.
Interestingly enough I found about half of the stuff that was stolen from my home on "Mercado Libre"...LOL

A little detective work on my wifes part and within a day she blew the lid on the guy. A co-worker of mine who's dad was the local "fiscal" ...after evidence presented, ordered two allanamientos and I had my stuff back in about a week......nothing short of a miracle living here to have that happen...and so fast!!

As I will keep saying....the trick to Argentina is: learn the language and then make friends, and after that make the friends of your new friends......also your friends...and then make more friends.....especially well connected friends. Do that and magically things work alot better...and faster down here... it's just the way Argentina rolls.

Not only did they find the stuff that was stolen from my house, several other stolen items of "interest" including the names of the people who sold my stuff to this jerk......this guy had been working as a "middle man" for a local band of chorros for several years moving stolen goods LOL..

My friends dad wanted me to press charges but I knew better....last thing I need is to get off work one day and get "fusilado" by a couple of punks at my front door in an "ajuste de cuentas" situation..... here the chorros shoot first and often times ask questions later.....not worth it, I know better.

Even so, the middle man talked, because I found out they got the names, potentially of the "ratas" that broke into my home ( thank GOD we weren't home!! ) but they never revealed our names...per request...we made sure.

I'm sure they were in jail...and then out probably in 48 hours or less LOL...
Saturday was the Belgrano neigborhood association garage sale. I picked up a leather bean bag chair for 150 pesos and a first edition copy of Borges's obras completas signed by the man himself for 100 dollars.
I bought a set of beautiful hand hammered recessed spotlights off mercado libre. Beautiful truly! Unfortunately the size was misrepresented and they don't fit. All of the cut outs in my House are framed by wood so enlarging the holes wild be a rea PIA so I'm offering them back for sale, if no one is interested I'm sending them to the states and seling them there.

There Are 14 of them and I'll ad pics when I get home.
Hey...if anyone wants to buy an imported Spanish classical Guitar "una guitarra criolla de concierto importada" let me know....I'm letting it go cheap LOL.... it's from Spain and is a nice Guitar....
I just received an email from the seller with the OCA tracking number for this 1940's "Oldham" lantern. The ML price plus shipping was just under $600 pesos.

I found a similar one in an antique shop in Belgrano in 2010 for $200 pesos, so there wasn't much difference in price (in dollars).

Just found this one for sale today. I don't think it's a miner's lamps and I don't think it's likely to sell for the asking price of $4.500,00.
This has to be the most disturbing item I've ever seen for sale on Mercado Libre:



I wonder if it might present a never ending "hint" to a disgruntled spouse...especially at dinnertime.

(It's offered for sale by the same vendor of the tea kettle suggested by Jantango in another thread.)
My friends have that same thing in their Seattle kitchen.
Finally; an imported (BergHOFF) tea kettle (2.5 lt with heavy base) in near new condition at a reasonable price ($200 + $57 for shipping).
