Finding Interesting Items For Sale On Mercado Libre

In a Naon auction (fancy auction house), I tried to buy this miniature painting back in december 2013.

The artist is a famous French miniaturist.

Now, the questions that needed an answer were:
- Who is depicted ?
- To guess the above, what are those medals ? (was tricky because they are not only French...) -> a clue = at least 1 of those foreign medals was given to very, very few French militaries (that helped a lot)

Inspector Clouseau found it out... But his modest income forced him to stop bidding (sold for 80.000 pesos + fees, I stopped way before lol). An italian watercolor sold for + 1.000.000 pesos in this auction (I was at the back of the room with all the Italian dealers, lasted for 20 minutes & that was quite funny. The other high bidder was on the phone)

I just received an email from the seller with the OCA tracking number for this 1940's "Oldham" lantern. The ML price plus shipping was just under $600 pesos.

I found a similar one in an antique shop in Belgrano in 2010 for $200 pesos, so there wasn't much difference in price (in dollars).
An "American desk" (that's how we call them in France, wonder the origin) to be auctionned tonight (likely a low reserve price: estimates they give often are above the reserve price)

