My friend Heath, a long term expat, has a sideline producing bacon. It's what an Englishman would consider real (and top quality) bacon, i,e, it doesn't shrink in the pan, has enough fat to be flavorful, but around the outside of the rasher, and can equally be served cooked or crispy (without the need to put it under a grill). Everyone I have introduced this product to has loved it, Argentine or otherwise. He is about to start producing sausages. The point is he has managed to persuade the producers that there is a market for a particular product, and also that that product is pleasing to Argentine's as well as expats. I suspect he will succeed with the sausages as well.
My question is, what other products (without the need for massive industrialization - i.e. good quality artenesal products that you would buy but that would not be "scary" to Argentines - no curry sauce for instance) is it worth producing here, either for internal, expat or export market.