Francisco Time Mag. Person Of The Year..

This is where Tex and International Guy kind of puzzle me. You know Knoblauch is not going to be convinced by your arguments, that he will just come back with some glib ex-cathedra one-liner, and that he will not respond to any type of evidence based argument, so why do you keep giving him bait?

Religious fanatics have no evidence-based arguments. They rely not on improbabilities, but on impossibilities.
W H A T ..... I F ..... mmmm .... there were no Gods !!

Let's say, science one day proved to complete certainty beyond any doubt that there are no Gods .. none.

What would this world look like?

More chaos or less ?
More wars or less ?
10 commandments / values / moralities?
Purposeful or meaningless life ?
Reasons to live or die?
Reasons to construct or destruct ?
More greed or more poverty?
What does it all mean ?
What would change ?
W H A T ..... I F ..... mmmm .... there were no Gods !!

Let's say, science one day proved to complete certainty beyond any doubt that there are no Gods .. none.

What would this world look like?

More or less chaos ? The same, certain types of conflicts would stop, certain types would surge.

More or less wars ? Less

10 commandments ? Well, a lot of non religious people try to do good things for their peers and the people around them. The 10 commandments would still be a nice way to be nice to others hoping they'd be nice to you in return.

Purposeful or meaningless life ? That's up to each person. The meaning of meaning might change but you might still find a motivation to make something happen in your lifetime, especially since it would be all you get.

Reasons to live or die? No change.

Reasons to construct or destruct ? No change. Idiots will be idiots, Valuable people will be valuable.

What does it all mean ? What means what?

What would change ? Not much. One of the eternal debates might end. Some manipulation would stop.
The Pope's public statements have not yet trickled down to his ostensible subordinates:
Are religions a more recent phenomena ?
What did exist, say before 10,000 years ?
Are religions a more recent phenomena ?
What did exist, say before 10,000 years ?

Before the scientific revolution, people at least had an excuse for arguing about how many angels could dance on the head of a pin.