Freedom To Orangutans!

OMG I had restrained myself from saying anything, but do any of "youpeople" know the difference between a positive and a negative right? I'm not even advocating either political view, but just to get the terminology right:

a negative right is the freedom not to be killed, the freedom not to be buggered, annoyed or impeded in anyway. The freedom to enjoy the fruit of your own making. Yes included in those, the freedom not to be harassed for conducting businesses in whatever currency.
This set of rights is derived, supposedly, from the God-given Nature of Man (Ayn Rand has some further justification about man using his mind to sustain himself which requires freedom, and she doesn't mention God)

a positive right is the right to clean water, shelter, contraceptives and free wifi.
This set of rights is ever expanding, are more properly called entitlements, and do not derive from anything natural or Godly except politicians and political ideology.

Again I'm not saying either set of rights is better or more legitimate but please, it's just..... too much BS
I'm writing a script called "Planet of the Neoliberals", where an Argentina enveloped by radiation from a nuclear meltdown is taken over by a group of Neo-Liberal Orangutans. The only sentient being left is Matias (played by Ricardo Darin). Pensador will be played by Roddy McDowall.

In a land where Milanesas have been banned, dollars are traded freely like candy, and the traditional lettuce, tomato and carrot salad has been replaced by kale, only one man stands between the Neo-Liberal Apes and the total destruction of all that has made Argentina great...