From Russia With Love

jajaja of course
patagonia - u got a private jet ready? it is fantastic, yes, isnt' it 4-5hrs + a land rover?

You take a regular flight to bariloche and you are there in 2 hours, there you have the nahual huapi and lot of other blue water lakes. If you mean las grutas (one of the only ''warm'' patagonian beachs) then that is a little more tricky as you don't have a so near comercial airport, you can only flight there with your own jet :% or take a flight to bahia Blanca and then a bus.
You take a regular flight to bariloche and you are there in 2 hours, there you have the nahual huapi and lot of other blue water lakes. If you mean las grutas (one of the only ''warm'' patagonian beachs) then that is a little more tricky as you don't have a so near comercial airport, you can only flight there with your own jet :% or take a flight to bahia Blanca and then a bus.

Thanks for the tip! I did not realize it's that easy. so that would be lake district, and there are beaches there? i'll look into that.
Thanks for the tip! I did not realize it's that easy. so that would be lake district, and there are beaches there? i'll look into that.

yes there are beaches and lots of nice things to do on summer, the water is cold but the days can be quite warm. Lot of people swim in the lakes some others thing the water is to cold and don't do it, but i love it. If you prefer sea beachs and more warm waters in patagonia, then go to las grutas or playas doradas. If you go around august the water is not warm compared to summer but is full of dolphins (well a special variety of them called toninas) and they are quite curius when you go into the water :)
Thanks for the tip! I did not realize it's that easy. so that would be lake district, and there are beaches there? i'll look into that.

Here 2 pictures of the district lake in 2 diferent lakes that i where few months ago.

And here some pictures of the patagonian beachs and one of Mar Del Plata this last one is in Buenos Aires so you have an idea, this is in the walles season (they are everywhere, just go to the beach outside the city and you will see lot of them):


Peninsula Valdes

Wales from the beach in madrin, this beach is a little secret not so much people go there and you need a car to go there, but the walles there go so so near to the beach is amazing, you have to go in the peack of the hight sea level, to see them really near.


Las grutas, patagonia. The sea go back after touching the cliff, and then you have a lot of beach but in this pictures the sea is in the maximun level.

And this is the beach called Mar del plata, this one is not in patagonia, is near Buenos Aires and i will say that is where big part of the porteños spend they summer.
Your pictures are magnificent. Wow. especially the lakes. now i have to change my plans ;)
as for swimming - Las Grutas seems warmest of them all. anything warm with sand ! i have heard good things re Carilo,
you are not a big fan?
I never been to carilo so not sure, the only pictures that are mines are the ones in the lakes and the one in las grutas, the lakes ones were made it in the top of cerro campanario, the others are borrowed as I didn't found the pictures I took of the other places.
Near buenos aires I have hear that carilo, mar de las pampas and some other places that now I don't recall the names as I'm already sleepy
So beaches are a great idea, the prettier the better ;) I do not mean to reinvent the wheel here, and i wonder about other 'expat' and 'simply fun and awesome' events which people on this forum attend. So far - browsing - i've happended upon a picnic (hope it was fun for all!), a pub crawl, some discussion of tango, clubbing scene, restaurants, expanglish. with various reviews. Are tehre better events - or more people attending some events? vs other less popular events? i know of BsAs www listings of happenings, wondering if people actually make friends here and attend these as a group. Eg., in my opinion, it's much more fun to go to a Pena with someone you know, at least a bit?
So beaches are a great idea, the prettier the better ;) I do not mean to reinvent the wheel here, and i wonder about other 'expat' and 'simply fun and awesome' events which people on this forum attend. So far - browsing - i've happended upon a picnic (hope it was fun for all!), a pub crawl, some discussion of tango, clubbing scene, restaurants, expanglish. with various reviews. Are tehre better events - or more people attending some events? vs other less popular events? i know of BsAs www listings of happenings, wondering if people actually make friends here and attend these as a group. Eg., in my opinion, it's much more fun to go to a Pena with someone you know, at least a bit?
No this forum is not exactly making so many event as a whole, the people is very diferent but from time to time some nice event do happen like the picnic the other day. People here are more long term and they have mainly their own group in where they hang out, you still can find people for a beer, a walk or stuff like that but is not exactly the place to find events. There are other places for that, like CS, and some others that i don't recall the name right now.