Galeno Heath Insurance :-(

It's hard to say what it was, could have been any number of things I ate within that time period. The meat was really delicious at Magdalena's...however that doesn't mean it couldn't have been sitting out, or maybe since it was just me, a dish or glass wasn't properly sanitized and maybe not any of the food at all.....anyway I am just fine now, eating as much as ever and all forgotten about :)

Beef, even if it sits out for a bit is usually fine if cooked to order and kept away from cross contamination.

Sorry to hear about your food poisoning. Food safety here is strange and seems to be principally based off old wives tales.

I've seen some positively scary things here and at the same time have to endure listening to how I'm going to die tomorrow for having snitched the cookie dough.
Have you been tested for asbestosis?
Very an aside, I have been a secret admirer of your screenname ever since I first saw it. I am a fiend of the stuff I eat it raw, cooked, chopped, pureed, always carry a clove in my pocket...when I die and they bury me I am certain that garlic will sprout from the ground over my grave.......maybe I can create a new forum screenname using a combination of any of these...any suggestions?...suàn, chesnok, aglio, lahasuna, nin'niku, maneul, alho, ail.....
Very an aside, I have been a secret admirer of your screenname ever since I first saw it. I am a fiend of the stuff I eat it raw, cooked, chopped, pureed, always carry a clove in my pocket...when I die and they bury me I am certain that garlic will sprout from the ground over my grave.......maybe I can create a new forum screenname using a combination of any of these...any suggestions?...suàn, chesnok, aglio, lahasuna, nin'niku, maneul, alho, ail.....

And it keeps vampires away, unless of course they're sparkly teen vampires. But in that case, they're probably too angsty to bother you...
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