GARDENING: Herb garden & Rose garden

syngirl said:
Ha! didn't realise we could start a Gardener's Corner on baexpats...

I have a camellia in a large pot on my balcony -- in the past few weeks it's really started to take off but a lot of the leaves are yellowing -- I believe it's a lack of iron, so i bought some the other week and have done the treatment around the base etc... but I'm wondering, is part of the problem the tap water here? i didn't think so, i've had it for a couple of years and this is the first time I've had the problem so not sure if it's just lack of nutrients in the soil, overwatering, or maybe the mineral balance in the tap water? like I say, it's in a container, and been there for a couple of years, so maybe I need to replant with some new compost?
Camellias and Gardenias need /want magnesium. Chlorine in the water is not friendly to these blooms.
ghost said:
Camellias and Gardenias need /want magnesium. Chlorine in the water is not friendly to these blooms.
If you pour water from a faucet and then let it sit for a day or two, does the chlorine break down?

Or... what needs to be done to break down the chlorine?
-Time (how long?)
-Drops? (what drops?)
Napoleon said:
If you pour water from a faucet and then let it sit for a day or two, does the chlorine break down?

Or... what needs to be done to break down the chlorine?
-Time (how long?)
-Drops? (what drops?)

Yes, chlorine breaks down in about 24 hours.
ghost said:
I hope you have a major freezer ready for the ratatouille and the chili con carni and such. This soil is very fertile and veggies grow like crazy. I'm getting two rotations of tomatos per year [like you, I brought many seed packs with me]. Same for peas and egg plants. Beware of the enormous black ants, they will strip the skin off of all your tomatos in a day. Opps forgot, my jalapeño tree is now 1.5 meters tall and produces 10 months per year. Celantro is difficult for me.
How do you get rid of the white flys on the tomatos?

Yes, I need to see what I will do with all those tomatoes. I will likely give away a good part of them.

This is the first year I'll grow them in a garden. Last time I did was in 2008 on my 150 sq.ft. terrace in Capital (was a huge apartment), so I didn't have problems with bugs.

I'll take pictures soon
I grow aloe veras. I have a couple of babies if anyone wants one.

I think I'm going to move in with FJ. I won't take up too much room. So, hopefully he won't notice! Sounds heavenly over there.

Napoleon, there is a nursery on S.Ortiz, near Cabrera. And there is another small one on Honduras and Araoz. Also, you can usually have seeds sent to you without a problem. In case you can't find dill, order them online.
mini said:
I grow aloe veras. I have a couple of babies if anyone wants one.

I think I'm going to move in with FJ. I won't take up too much room. So, hopefully he won't notice! Sounds heavenly over there.

Napoleon, there is a nursery on S.Ortiz, near Cabrera. And there is another small one on Honduras and Araoz. Also, you can usually have seeds sent to you without a problem. In case you can't find dill, order them online.

Furthermore I have an extensive Art library ! But you'll need to convince your hubby first :p

Anyway, I think I will organize some kind of expat event in my house, with the big pool (I won't use chlorine in it, I'm gonna renew the water every 2 weeks), many tables, chairs, a big parrilla.
Ooh, French Jurist, I would potentially be interested in your herirloom tomato shoots, do you still have them? I have never grown tomatoes before but would love to give it a shot here. I'd be happy to trade you for some organic thai and/or holy basil seeds :)
MizzMarr said:
Ooh, French Jurist, I would potentially be interested in your herirloom tomato shoots, do you still have them? I have never grown tomatoes before but would love to give it a shot here. I'd be happy to trade you for some organic thai and/or holy basil seeds :)
No shoots . Seeds will do the job perfectly.
ghost said:
No shoots . Seeds will do the job perfectly.

Yes, I didn't mean shoots, just that I planted about 100 seeds 5 weeks ago and I have newborn babies left to transplant.
MizzMarr said:
Ooh, French Jurist, I would potentially be interested in your herirloom tomato shoots, do you still have them? I have never grown tomatoes before but would love to give it a shot here. I'd be happy to trade you for some organic thai and/or holy basil seeds :)

No problem !

I didn't label the plants but they are grouped per origin so I'll pick here and there (or will bring all of them).

I've had success using 10 liters "baldes" (drilling holes at the bottom : their roots don't like to "swim").
I just need to know when I come to Capital (anyway they'll keep growing meanwhile :p ) and will PM you the day before.

Do you happen to work in/near the centro ?
I don't know if I'll come by train or on my motorcycle, in this latter case it's easier for me to meet you somewhere else.
