Get your pots out for the lads!

it started at 830 and was very strong near US embassy, but now died down.
I'm afraid this protest isn't going to go anywhere. I'm not being cynical or anything. Just considering the fact that these protesters probably all have jobs and don't have the liberty to protest all night long. Unlike the protesters brought in by the queen and her cronies who live on the money given to them to protest.

They could have picked a better day.

Oh well, at least they're trying. I hope they don't start burning crap like the K's people do because then I'd find it really hard to support their movement.
Quite funny to watch the spins on tv. Clarin owned TN making lots of noise on their copper bottomed pots about the anti corruption protest in Belgrano, Barrio North and Recoleta, whereas chanel 7 (goverment chanel) is showing the passing of the new law that´s been in the works for past few years, K stating that they are wanting to close the gap between the classes (hence the halt on imports).
I remember last time the campo "closed for business", passing 250 or so trucks parked on the roadside with food rotting inside.
Usually when something as anti Milton Friedman´s free market as this happens, the US of North America usually comes up with a plan that involves regular folk getting burned, tortured, starved or disappeared.
But rest assured that there will be big bucks to be made at the other end!

Stay tuned for the "shock therapy".
nicoenarg said:
I'm still waiting for a thread that is "Argentina only" and doesnt have the USA pulled into it for whatever goddamned reason.
No country is an island, not even countries that are islands, let alone 4th largest countries..
That country doesn´t exist in the civilised world