Getting A Dog

The thing with street dogs is that you have a lot to do to change that situation. You do what you do because you want something to change, but sometimes what you do is not enough, and time is clearly not on your side.
So sometimes you just have to let him be, free, trust him, and he ll develop well with what he has learned, if not, if you impose him, lets say some discipline, punishment, etc, as he didnt grow with that it probably wont help, it doesnt work. So you have to concede him, spoil him a little, let him express wahat he wants, let him be. You dont have many other choices. Thats the only way it will end well.

Most street dogs, fortunately, are not Camporistas. Very few of them are beyond being trained properly, but many of them need plenty of work. You can't let the dog take charge.
Most street dogs, fortunately, are not Camporistas. Very few of them are beyond being trained properly, but many of them need plenty of work. You can't let the dog take charge.

when we talk of adult street dogs theres pretty much nothing you can do rwith respect of education. Hes an adult, he knows when something is right or wrong, he already has his values, the more pressure you put on him, the worst, the farther you get from your objectives.
when we talk of adult street dogs theres pretty much nothing you can do rwith respect of education. Hes an adult, he knows when something is right or wrong, he already has his values, the more pressure you put on him, the worst, the farther you get from your objectives.

In this instance, you are only 99 percent wrong.
In this instance, you are only 99 percent wrong.


how could putting more pressure helps in some way?
if you do want things to change, which I guess is what you want, and what you do every day you do it searching something, you have to be patient and let the animal develop alone, that moment it definetely come, but no by forcing anything.
You just have to be patient, is the only way you can get some advances.

how could putting more pressure helps in some way?
if you do want things to change, which I guess is what you want, and what you do every day you do it searching something, you have to be patient and let the animal develop alone, that moment it definetely come, but no by forcing anything.
You just have to be patient, is the only way you can get some advances.

Because dogs, unlike Camporistas, are intelligent beings capable of learning quickly.
"Old dogs can't learn new tricks" is a myth. One of my rescues was 7 when I took him in, a nightmare for the first week, within a couple of weeks he could sit, lay down, high five, do his business outside and behave indoors. It's just about training (positive-enforced in my case), nothing magic about it.
look, i m not a camporista if you re reffering to me. I just like some of the K policies, a lot of them, but I also dont like others.
I can tell you I know very well what the Camporistas are. I have thugs in my door every single day from 3 years ago till today, they watch me and follow me everywhere I go, when I use my computer, they chase every single conversation I start on the internet, with every single guy. They are a maffia, they are chasing me since long time ago, destinating public resources to follow me, psicollogical torture, making friends on the web just for me to feel upset, paranoid, etc.
They are police, they are intelligence service, they follow me with my teachers in the Facultad, with my friends, with my family.
why? because they are making personal favours, they just heard something from somebody and they took it as a revealed true, they didnt ask, they didnt reseearched, they just believed, for example, that I m a racist, a dog, etc.
So I pretty much know how the campora or kirchneristas activists act, how mafious they are, how they torture psichologically, how they violate private stuff like mails or facebook.
I brought them here. It was me. I followed this forum from 2009 or so and they are here, they know of this forum since then. But now its totally weird, this forum have got very weird, with a bunch of new users with no more than 50 posts starting conversations, etc. They are the government. Dont be paranoid about the blue dollar or passports stamps or expired visas... if they want they can perfectly go to your house and take you down. They are intelligence, they know exactly who is who in this forum, they can control every single user of this page. But dont be paranoid, it is for me that they are here, its me the one who is being persecuted.

I had to say this, I m not camporista, I dont like militancy, i dont believe in the Ks, I think they are very corrupted, that from some level in politics in this country we have to talk about mafia, this is how things work here.
Positive enforcement is crucial, knowing when it is right to give them a slap is also important.