Getting My Papers Ready For Permanent Residency - A Recap

As per my lawyer, they aren't acting on any of these cases....there's a four month backlog...dragging their feet waiting if there's going to be a policy change. And of course vacations. Can't forget about vacations. Obvio more important than us mere extranjeros....
As per my lawyer, they aren't acting on any of these cases....there's a four month backlog...dragging their feet waiting if there's going to be a policy change. And of course vacations. Can't forget about vacations. Obvio more important than us mere extranjeros....

Don't forget about the new feriados they invent every month.
Update on my case:

Oct. 31st 2014: I filed for permanent residency through marriage, got a precaria valid for 90 days on the spot
Dec 15th 2014: I applied for an extension of my precaria, since my application status was unchanged and the holidays approaching
Jan 19th 2015: I went to Migraciones to inquire about my case, since no extension was given, nor any status update was found. I was told the extension can be given only after my current precaria expire so I had to wait.
Jan 29th 2015: my precaria has expired, my application is still in the same state it has been ever since I applied (etapa de supervision)
Jan 30th 2015: I tried to renew my precaria but the link says I already submit a request on Dec 15th.

So here I am with an expired precaria, no extension and a trip approaching. I cannot but utter nasty thing against Argentinian's bureaucracy. Kind of makes me miss USCIS.

I am not in BsAs ... so things might be different there. But here they were very helpful - the two times I went there (first with the initial application and then when the precaria was about to expire). I would just go to your migraciones office and talk to them.
Update after my precaria expired and I wanted to spend the weekend in Uruguay...

As my precaria expired on Jan 29th and my renewal page was still stuck on "ya existe un expediente de renovacion...", we called Migraciones (random phone number found on the Internet, since there is no phone number provided on their website) and a grumpy lady said we would need to go to Jujuy 486 to check the status of my application.

So we went there (which is 2 hours from my home), no queue and I was told they are just a Center that collects documentation and they cannot see the status of my tramite. Instead, they said to go to Hipolito Yrigoyen 952 (Yrigoyen y 9 de Julio), which they say is the new office with less queues than in Av. Antartida Argentina.
One hour later we are in Yrigoyen 952, no queue (again, bad sign!), and we received the same answer as in Jujuy 486 - they said to go to Av. Antartida Argentina.
We went to Av. Antartida Argentina, queued for a solid hour (good sign, at this point), and were told that apparently there is a IT bug on my renewal page, and that only the guy in charge of my case can help solve this. They somehow "pushed" a request through the system to solve the bug and issue my renewal, but - again - it is up to the guy who has been processing my renewal request since December 15th 2014. :mad:
They also said that the renewal length it at the sole guy's discretion. It could be for 30, 60 or 90 days, but it is up to him.
They told me to try to send another renewal request in a week (to allow "my" guy to sort his stuff in the meanwhile -_- ). I told them I wanted to go to Uruguay for the weekend and I asked them what would be the implications wince I have an expired precaria, but they shrugged.
I went to migrations a couple of weeks ago because my first precaria was about to expire and I hadn't received my DNI in the mail. I showed up at around 11 AM without an appointment. I think it was building C which is the one with the door open. They told me to go to window 1 or 2. Then I was told to come back the next day at 7:30 AM. There was a long line at the door, but I told them that I had been there the day before and was sent in. Windows 1 and 2 weren't open yet, but did open at 8 AM. There were only about 10 people in line at that time. Apparently they thought I was missing some paperwork and I was sent across the field to another building where they determined that my paperwork was in order and was sent back to see Dario (the guy at window 2) and he gave me a new precaria good for another three months. I was there for a couple of hours. I guess I'll receive my DNI in the mail, but if I don't I'll go back down there before this precaria expires. Every one that I dealt with was very polite.

I'm confused on the Use of the IM terms:please correct me if I'm wrong!
  1. When you first apply you get a 90 Day Residencia Precaria, and receive DNI in the mail
  2. Once you have a DNI you have a Residencia Temporaria
  3. After several Temporary applications you receive The Residencia Permanente.

Question: How far in advance of the expiration of the Temporaria one must apply for Renewal???

You can apply up to two months in advance of the expiration of your temporary DNI for your next one.

By the way, my file was FINALLY acted on (5 months after I requested permanency!) and I'm officially a permanent resident! My lawyer thinks that sending them a kind of Carta documenta requesting they take action (kindly and respectfully) made the difference, as his other clients are still waiting.

Now awaiting my permanent DNI to arrive in the mail. Hope THAT doesn't take five months also!
Amigos, I entered to renew my precaria online this past Monday. I was supposed to log in after three days to download the precaria. When I log in now, after several days, I get this message:

La solicitud de renovación de su residencia precaria ha sido registrada con los siguientes datos: xx

A partir del tercer día hábil de realizado el presente trámite y dentro de los diez días corridos, Ud. podrá descargar del sitio web oficial de la DNM el Certificado de Residencia Precaria

But I don't understand if it is supposed to be right there, or if there is somewhere else I need to log in? Enough days have passed but I don't see anything downloadable. Any of you know? Thanks!
Follow up: my permanent DNI arrived via Correo argentine one week after approval. Yes you read that right. One week after approval!
Amigos, I entered to renew my precaria online this past Monday. I was supposed to log in after three days to download the precaria. When I log in now, after several days, I get this message:

La solicitud de renovación de su residencia precaria ha sido registrada con los siguientes datos: xx

A partir del tercer día hábil de realizado el presente trámite y dentro de los diez días corridos, Ud. podrá descargar del sitio web oficial de la DNM el Certificado de Residencia Precaria

But I don't understand if it is supposed to be right there, or if there is somewhere else I need to log in? Enough days have passed but I don't see anything downloadable. Any of you know? Thanks!
Noruega, I was given a tramite number that I could enter on the site and that would allow me to download a document saying I have permanent residency. Maybe you just need to find the place where you can enter a personal number?
Noruega, I was given a tramite number that I could enter on the site and that would allow me to download a document saying I have permanent residency. Maybe you just need to find the place where you can enter a personal number?
I enter my tramite number to log in, and it shows that I have asked for the extension, but it just keeps saying that after 3 working days I will be able download the precaria extension. But there is nothing, other than the text I pasted above.