In other words, prostitution is not illegal, trafficing of women is. I sense the usual feminist reply "but prostitution is all about human trafficing".
It is not. Some women deliberatly choose to offer that service because it s easier for them (not for all women) to make a living that way, and in Buenos Aires, because there arent many other alternative way to make a living for a single mother.
What about moral issues? Once again, moral issues depend on your upbringing. Some countries regard prostitution as a human contact service that does have a function in a society. And this is not specificly a male (customers) to female dominating relationship. I m not talking about males to males prostitution, but females (customers) to males too. In Australia, gigolo escorting services in states where prostitution is legal is openly advertised. Some women travel to Africa or the Dominican Republic in hope to satisfy their fantasies or find a temporary solution to their lonelyness. In the netherlands, social security refunds the service of prostitutes for some disabled citizens.
There is indeed a dark side of trafficing in prostitution, like there is in other working domains, like construction or agriculture, for people who only got their body to offer to make a living (physical work force).
But once again dont come here with narrow minded feminist ideals, they wouldnt fit the environment and would give reasons to feed some xenophobia (just like mongers showing no respect to these ladies).
The easy way, for both women and men, rarely suffice to satisfy and bring happiness, men wish they wouldnt have to pay, women that they wouldnt have to get into a job that doesnt valorise them in the eyes of their family. Life is never perfect, but, as long as it s a personal choice, nobody should be allowed to intervene in the relationship between two consenting adults. Remember that
Evita Peron met her husband working as an "acompanante"...
the once public lady became public First Lady. She was not the first and wont be the last lady to get social promotion/recognition by using her natural feminine assets, as unfair as it can seem for those who don t have the same power of attraction.
I hope this brings some thinking material for some preformated brains.