Hate North Americans?

ElQueso said:
I was kicked out of a cafe called Iberia by a very obnoxious asshole and his girlfriend one night. They heard us talking amongst ourselves after an expat dinner (we'd gone there for coffee) and apparently we offended him too much by our very existence...Let's all be open and honest about everything and we'll get closer to the truth

Café Iberia is a monger s meeting place with working girls waiting for customers. He might have agressed you for being a foreign monger more than being from the United States. We had the very same experience with 2 us american friends last time we went visiting Gysell.. Neighbours were blocking the entry and one guy said arrogantly "Go back home. Better, go back to your country and never come back". I had to calm down one of those two ex marines before he got himself into more trouble.

Even tho prostitution is legal and culturally standard, like anywhere else in South and Central America, many argentines feel resentment against foreigners practicing this activity openly. This has all to stay hidden behind a smoke screen of hypocracy.
I can't say I really understand north Americans, but John Steinbeck does a pretty good job of explaining here:

"All colors and blends of Americans have somewhat the same tendencies. It's a breed --selected out by accident. And so we're overbrave and overfearful--we're kind and cruel as children. We're overfriendly and at the same time frightened of strangers. We boast and are impressed. We're oversentimental and realistic. We are mundane and materialistic--and do you know of any other nation that acts for ideals? We eat too much. We have no taste, no sense of proportion. We throw our energy about like waste. In the old lands they say of us that we can go from barbarism to decadence without an intervening culture. Can it be that our critics have not the key or the language of our culture?"

Bear in mind that he wrote that in 1952, though it sounds like it could have been written yesterday.
fifilafiloche said:
Café Iberia is a monger s meeting place with working girls waiting for customers. He might have agressed you for being a foreign monger more than being from the United States. We had the very same experience with 2 us american friends last time we went visiting Gysell.. Neighbours were blocking the entry and one guy said arrogantly "Go back home. Better, go back to your country and never come back". I had to calm down one of those two ex marines before he got himself into more trouble.

Even tho prostitution is legal and culturally standard, like anywhere else in South and Central America, many argentines feel resentment against foreigners practicing this activity openly. This has all to stay hidden behind a smoke screen of hypocracy.
Prostitution is not legal here
I do not think there are many argentines who hate the USA - other than a bunch of idiots like Quebracho. Some Argentines may blame the USA for a lot of our problems, that's true, but it's miles away from hatred!! Most Argentines don't care about the USA (as if we hadn't enough problems to cope with) and some love the USA.
This thread shows - at least to me - that everywhere in the World there are people who like to play the victims. They are in the family (the aunt who always is ill), among one's friends and in this forum.
nikad said:
Prostitution is illegal here

Technically, it is not. I guess you just can't be obvious... :confused:

Artículo 19- Las acciones privadas de los hombres que de ningún modo ofendan al orden y a la moral pública, ni perjudiquen a un tercero, están sólo reservadas a Dios, y exentas de la autoridad de los magistrados. Ningún habitante de la Nación será obligado a hacer lo que no manda la ley, ni privado de lo que ella no prohíbe.
I have been in Iberia a few times (4 or 5 at most over three years). Yes, at certain times there are ladies of the night upstairs in the loft, for sure. But not always, and not very often early. Although, I guess with the closing of Excedra almost two years ago, I have seen a few ladies from Excedra sitting downstairs as well. Cafe Orleans is a place I would categorize as unequivocally a monger bar, but Iberia is more like a sometimes kind of thing, unless things have changed a lot in the last 4 months or so (the last time I was there, which was the time of this incident).

Although many of my friends are mongers (though I am happily married and don't partake of the pastime myself), and indeed we were in the loft upstairs, there were zero working girls there that night. It was quite crowded with couples for the most part. Upstairs was quite occupied and no working girls for sure.

Indeed, the guys I hang with rarely like to go to Iberia for mongering purposes anyway - for them, it's the absolute dregs. Not that they never go there for that, but it's pretty rare. That particular night we were there because we had just finished eating at Imparcial, right across the street.

So although it is possible that the guy and his girlfriend thought we were there for mongering, there was no reason for them to think so other than they might suspect that all foreigners who would go to Iberia would be looking for that. But it never came up in his conversation either. He just didn't like us speaking English, was what I semed to gather from his very broken English and the nearly rabid spitting Spanish that I had to wade through when he realized I speak good Spanish and he was in his rabid mode.

As far as local Argetines practicing mongering behind a screen of hypocracy, I know there is some truth to that. However, I have been to the clubs with my buddies quite a bit over the years and along with the brasileiros, mexicanos, estadounidenses, europeos and other nationaliteis, the argentinos are quite well represented out in the open in those places.

However, you're right - most argentinos make use of the privados around the corner from where they work, for example, sneaking out for a quickie with one of their favories during lunch.
Actually, sorry guys, but the ability for a woman to exchange sexual favors for money (prostitution) is completely legal here. The law expressly denies pimps and organized prostitution legality, though.

In fact, I was just havng a conversation with a friend of mine last ngiht who knows an Argentine cop, and we were talking about how the privados (many owned and/or run by cops in their off duty time) get around this restriction of on pimping or organized prostitution.
bradlyhale said:
Technically, it is not. I guess you just can't be obvious... :confused:
Let me know where is the unified criteria for " moral publica " and then we keep talking ;) the fact that prostitution is not illegal, does not make it legal either, if it was, sex workers would be paying taxes, would have health insurance, etc.
ElQueso said:
Actually, sorry guys, but the ability for a woman to exchange sexual favors for money (prostitution) is completely legal here. The law expressly denies pimps and organized prostitution legality, though.

In fact, I was just havng a conversation with a friend of mine last ngiht who knows an Argentine cop, and we were talking about how the privados (many owned and/or run by cops in their off duty time) get around this restriction of on pimping or organized prostitution.
That is called police corruption.
To quote the late great George Carlin-
"Selling is legal. F*cking is legal. So why isn't selling f*cking legal?"

The government should not be in the business of legislating morality. This is something the USA loves to do. You can thank the bible bangers who pushed prohibition for that.