Have Passport, Will Travel


Mar 10, 2012
As the noose tightens here my US Passport becomes that much more valuable. :)

Question: I have a DNI and a US Passport. Which is best to use when I leave Argentina and which is best to use when I return?

You will need both, without presenting your DNI with your passport the Argentine immigration officer will not know you are a resident and will fine you the 300 pesos.
You are obliged to show your DNI when leaving or entering the country.

Plus if you are traveling within Mercosur, you can just travel with DNI ( except to Brazil and Paraguay).

If you are a Argentine citizen, you could just travel on DNI within South Am.
How is the noose tightening? I was listening to some colleagues at work talking about it but couldn't fully understand. Thanks.
Here's the rumor. CFK will either annul Arg passports or limit the times per year Argentines can travel outside of the country. It's just a rumor, but it follows perfectly the Venezuela plan.
Tell me this is a joke??! When were Venezuelans prohibited from taveling? What happens if you have dual nationality, would you be able to travel freely? But it says birthplace Argentina in the US one...
In Cuba dual nationals have to show their Cuban papers. You must receive permission to leave the country. This would is a model Christina could use.
GS_Dirtboy said:
Here's the rumor. CFK will either annul Arg passports or limit the times per year Argentines can travel outside of the country. It's just a rumor, but it follows perfectly the Venezuela plan.

what about Argentines who are employed abroad?

And basically she is targeting rich argentines, all of whom have dual passport. It would only affect the poor Argentines. All the European descent Argentines I know, have a dual passport.

She will first have to ban dual nationality.
As others have said, you should use BOTH your passport and DNI.
When I last travelled to my home in the UK last year, I arrived at EZE just with my passport and was held up by immigrations or whatever.
They were very decent about it and were quite right of course. Luckily I had a photocopy of my DNI and managed to wrangle my way through.
Lesson learned.