Have You Experienced Prejudice Or Racism In Argentina?

Its pretty easy to figure out this cant be true. Recessive doesnt mean it doesnt get inherited. And two parents with a recessive blond gene that they both pass on to their child, will have a blond kid, now and in 200 years. What does happen though is that, since you need to inherit the recessive gene from both parents, youll see less blonde people in the future because of people of different places mixing more than in the past maybe. Theyll still carry the blond genes though, and when two brown haired people that both carry that gene give it to their child, itll still be blond.

Yes, but I fell for an article on CNN that was a hoax (and CNN and BBC bought the hoax hook, line, and sinker, and printed it). Silly me for not having been more skeptical. Guess that goes to show that we really shouldn't trust reporting from mainstream news agencies concerning science.
I'm not going to support the use of the n-word. That being said, I'm not a big fan of people that hide behind political correctness and deep down are real bigots and racists, The essence is more important than the form (not that form isn't important), sadly this is often ignored.
Exactly my point.
Yes, but I fell for an article on CNN that was a hoax (and CNN and BBC bought the hoax hook, line, and sinker, and printed it). Silly me for not having been more skeptical. Guess that goes to show that we really shouldn't trust reporting from mainstream news agencies concerning science.

Ive also read the same thing in a lot of places, and being a blond people somehow feel the need to tell me about it too, so i think youre not the only one who believed it. I have a friend who works for the bbc in france, and he told me about the directions he gets when filminh, how incredibly strict they are with every image people get to see, what is cut and what isnt, what idea needs to be portrayed in a report even if its not what the people being filmed were saying at all etc etc. Theres really only one thing you can learn from tv and that is do not trust what it says.
Yes, we have experienced discrimination here, but no where near what our child suffered. She was enrolled in an all Spanish school and almost daily was told that her skin was the colour of corn, her blue eyes were ugly and also her hair. These were the more gentle observations made about her physical appearance and intelligence level. The harshest were the times she was told she looked like "The Scream". She came home asking what that was. We pulled it up on the Internet and only then learned that at school the kids were surrounding her taunting her with their hands on their cheeks and mouths open in silent screams. This was when she was in 2nd grade.
Yes, we have experienced discrimination here, but no where near what our child suffered. She was enrolled in an all Spanish school and almost daily was told that her skin was the colour of corn, her blue eyes were ugly and also her hair. These were the more gentle observations made about her physical appearance and intelligence level. The harshest were the times she was told she looked like "The Scream". She came home asking what that was. We pulled it up on the Internet and only then learned that at school the kids were surrounding her taunting her with their hands on their cheeks and mouths open in silent screams. This was when she was in 2nd grade.

Where were the adults?!!!
The teachers should have seen that. If, not then they should be quick to stop it if you bring it to their attention.
We had numerous meetings with the teacher & director where we brought very detailed accounts of what had taken place. We also had other children who were classmates who had told their parents what our child was experiencing. Initially, we called these incidents bullying. We are very solution-based and offered to work with the school and if need be, pay for additional supervision on the playground where most of this took place and to pay for training for the playground supervisors so they would be able to recognize bullying, we also offered to pay for books on friendship and inculsion, we submitted many studies on bullying by the CDC to the school's administrators and psychologist. The consensus was that bullying is simply a North American concept that doesn't really exist, we were the problem, being the typical overly protective North American parents. Please keep in mind, this is our response to the question asked on this thread, we are simply answering the question. To have revealed our experience to others understandably opens us up once again to be on the defensive. Forgive me if I do not respond further on this subject. Our experience was very painful particularly because of the deep wounds it left in our daughter & because after so many years here we felt that we had built up a community of friends. Only three families stood by us and only one of those advocated for us at the school.
GS_dirtboy, I respect your position. I'm not even disagreeing. I am saying that at one time in my lifetime it was not offensive. Blacks would use the term in talking to whites as normally as they would talk about drinking a coke as opposed to Pepsi. I even remember when it all started. The actual word is an incorrect pronunciation of "negro" and always was. Now even the word negro is frowned on. Having some age has the advantage that you have seen things as they progressed.

Yes, it has become offensive. I believe in using good English! So right there would rule it out for me. But I believe in reality too. This is mostly because of the media and the attempt to separate one group of Americans from another, to make the blacks feel oppressed and to intimidate the whites.There is an attempt in America to divide and cause conflict. Make women feel oppressed by their husbands, convince them to have a career like the lucky men instead of being a servant and changing diapers, intimidate the men so they will no longer be the leaders in their homes, encourage the kids to disrespect parents so that you no longer have strong families--make different groups feel oppressed by other groups, blacks against white, poor against rich--you name it. Cause conflict everywhere!

I won't cooperate (except for the conflict I cause here of course, with delight) and I say let's be one people. The criminals that are doing it all are hiding behind the curtain and most people aren't even aware. They're too busy finding fault with each other! That way you never even think about looking for who's causing it. These criminals own the media, and they also own the arms factories, the drug companies, having bought it bit by bit over many years and they are doing their dirty work. It's part of the plan to divide and conquer.

At the same time there are very successful black entrepreneurs with their heads on straight who don't take part in this stuff. They know the way to success! There is opportunity for all. And that's a fact. How wonderful they have been in the U.S. instead of Africa! Same is true with women who feel that there is a glass ceiling and they are discriminated against. Well who says you have to stay in a corporation. Form your own corporation and be independent, like the black entrepreneurs.