Blahblah, I could give you a thousand reasons for not doing as you suggest, but the most important to me, is that nothing compares to the comfort of being surrounded by family and childhood friends (even if they talk about cosmetic surgery
or don't get you from time to time) when you are going through a rough patch.
Even though my situation sucks right now, I am happy to be where I am. I consider myself lucky for having had the chance to be able to live carefree and in beautiful places for so many years. I feel grateful that my children have grandparents, aunts, uncles, a sense of belonging that they didn't have before. I am at peace knowing I will be 15 minutes away when my parents get old and sick and I will be here with them. I could go on and on and on and on...I know the Argies of this forum will know what I am talking about.
dsc: you are second person from Southron's I find here!
desertrose thanks for your reply in the other topic. You know, I don't remember being traumatized by my ears? I don't know if it is because it was too painful and I erased the memories or what. I recently asked my mom why I had the surgery done. She said they had a plastic surgeon friend who insisted on doing it (we believe I was his guinea pig) and they just conceded...the results are not perfect, mind you. My ears are flat and too stuck to my head now....on windy days, when my ears hurt, I blame that guy for taking away my internal ears' natural protection...
Well, I better stop here or I'll fear you'll be forever stuck with the wrong image of myself...some monster who doesn't care about cellulite, varicose veins, wrinkles, and the ears of a Teletubby...!!!!