How can we improve Argentina?


Jun 20, 2006
I thank rmartinbuenosaires for this idea and Im sure that many have interesting ideas about this topic.

Nikad and John St brought up some excellent thoughts yesterday . I like to hear from more of you but a minimum of 10 lines please.

Argentina for most of us is our home and Im sure that there are some improvements we like to see here.
pericles, good thread question. I thought rmartinbuenosaires' post was very thought provoking. But let us all start simple if we must, let us try to encourage people NOT to throw/litter; starting from that bus ticket, candy wrapper or cigarette packet on the ground. It will show we all care about this country and everyone can do it. I live outside of the Capital and sadly trash is every where.
I think customer service would be nice. Seems that since people do not work on any commission they don't care about helping you. When I go shopping for clothes I have no issues, but other times... eh, not so good.
Grazie said:
pericles, good thread question. I thought rmartinbuenosaires' post was very thought provoking. But let us all start simple if we must, let us try to encourage people NOT to throw/litter; starting from that bus ticket, candy wrapper or cigarette packet on the ground. It will show we all care about this country and everyone can do it. I live outside of the Capital and sadly trash is every where.

It's not about nationality but about education
Well something really important to consider is the way to assist. We have found many Argies don't want to here how to do things from gringos. Here in Bariloche, we have found a few "forward thinking Argentines" that pass the message on.

With that aside, I think this is a great thread. As BB mentioned, its about educating people correctly.

We are working on environmental awareness. The idea is teach kids know that if they litter the forest won't be happy. The hope is they will tell their parents and also they children in the future. I think back to the "give a hoot, don't pollute" slogan in the US in the 70's. It has already been done, hopefully we can get Argentina on Woodsy the Owl's message.

Also recycling is a great topic to teach.
I agree with begins with the children..that is the future of Argentina...start simple...with the earth...and what they can do to make it better...

It is education...pure and simple!

But it is never to late to teach an old dog new to if the kids can get their parents involved with it....that could and hopefully would break the cycle.
"How to improve BA?"
busses that make less noise and pollute less...:eek:
Im currently living in US but will be moving back to Argentina early next year. I have thought of many ways on how i can improve the city and the foremost problem i have with it is the litter and dog crap everywhere i walk. I have thought of ideas to make pet owner conscious and "educate" them on how they can pick up their pets waste. I will purchase a bunch of little Argentina flags that come attached to toothpicks (seen them in international food shows with flags of different countries) and will place them on every dog crap i see on the street. There will be a slogan written on it with a website on the back of how to handle your pets waste ( still have to create it) Hopefully the media will pick this up eventually and report on this and the city will install pet cleaning stations. If anybody likes the idea please write me and even begin without me, i will eventually get there and do this for real!
Grazie said:
... But let us all start simple if we must, let us try to encourage people NOT to throw/litter; starting from that bus ticket, candy wrapper or cigarette packet on the ground. It will show we all care about this country and everyone can do it. I live outside of the Capital and sadly trash is every where.
You took the words right out of my mouth - which is very unhygienic :D

Earlier today I had the thought that if we observe people stop littering their home town, we have an indication of a change of mindset towards civismo, as it shows self discipline if you either use the garbage bins or bring your garbage home.

Few do it, but I have observed several young people (below ~ 20) actually use the bins, even when it meant to either to walk several steps to unwrap chocolate etc. at the bin, or empty pockets or bags of thrash - keep up the good work, kiddies, only the bad birds pee in their own nest.
MatiArg said:
... I will purchase a bunch of little Argentina flags that come attached to toothpicks (seen them in international food shows with flags of different countries) and will place them on every dog crap i see on the street. ...
Although I strongly sympathise with your idea: do not use the Bandera Nacional de la Argentina or we shall have to get you out of jail every so often or even wave a final good-bye when you have your citizenship annulled and are deported for life.

Rethink your good idea using other colors than blue and white.