How do people afford dry cleaning here?

PhilipDT said:
50 dollars for 3 slacks and 3 shirts to be laundered. Thats 2x what I'd pay in the states.

But that's insane and I don't understand the pricing. I frequented (weekly) 5asec on Rivadavia and Rio de Janeiro (Caballito) and Scalabrini Ortiz and Medrano until July 2011 and the most I paid was 45 pesos for my Burberry "treat me with extreme care" as I am silk raincoat. With a wardrope full of couture and a lifetime of dry cleaning experiences behind me in Ireland, US and Bsas I honestly think youve gone to the most expensive dry cleaners in Bsas as for me it was and always is super cheap!
fifs2 said:
You loved the static of rubbing polyester on nylon I'm guessing?!:p

Actually, I loved the sensation of rubbing my skin on nylon (stockings).;)

I still do.:D
steveinbsas said:
Actually, I loved the sensation of rubbing my skin on nylon (stockings).;)

I still do.:D

With orange peel in your mouth, rubber gloves and hanging from a wordrobe? Yes I hear it's quite the thrill..dangerous though as Michael Htchens discovered...:D
fifs2 said:
With orange peel in your mouth, rubber gloves and hanging from a wordrobe? Yes I hear it's quite the thrill..dangerous though as Michael Htchens discovered...:D

How could you possibly have known?;)

Was that you inside the wardrobe?:cool:

(Where I keep all of my wool clothes...none of which have needed to go to the dry cleaners for years.)

I only wear cotton now...including sweaters. I wash everything myself with soap and water without softener.

I do have an iron but I don't use it. I can line dry my clothes in the wind.
steveinbsas said:
How could you possibly have known?;)

Was that you inside the wardrobe?:cool:

(Where I keep all of my wool clothes...none of which have needed to go to the dry cleaners for years.)

Shame..I pictured you in the Hermes tie digging the, couture, physical labor = sexy!:D
fifs2 said:
Shame..I pictured you in the Hermes tie digging the, couture, physical labor = sexy!:D

That's my day job.:D

At night I love to get knotty...and find another use for the Hermes ties.:p
fifs2 said:
But that's insane and I don't understand the pricing. I frequented (weekly) 5asec on Rivadavia and Rio de Janeiro (Caballito) and Scalabrini Ortiz and Medrano until July 2011 and the most I paid was 45 pesos for my Burberry "treat me with extreme care" as I am silk raincoat. With a wardrope full of couture and a lifetime of dry cleaning experiences behind me in Ireland, US and Bsas I honestly think youve gone to the most expensive dry cleaners in Bsas as for me it was and always is super cheap!

I recently switched from some chinese tintoria that charged me 30 for pants and 18 for shirts after they destroyed a pair of 300 dollar pants. I decided that saving a few pesos here and there wasn't worth it, so I asked all my neighbors and they almost unanimously recommended this family drycleaner 2 blocks away that has been there for 60 years in the same location. Now I pay 30 for shirts and 40 for pants but haven't had any problems. I'm not getting gringo taxed cause the prices are all on the wall and its not like I live in puerto madero or recoleta either. I live in Once/San Cristobal.
Semi-related: When I was here for work last year, before I moved here, my company put me up in a hotel. The prices to get your clothes laundered were insane. Something like 40 pesos for a t-shirt, 20 pesos for a pair of socks!
Many locals wash clothes carefully by hand with a white soap, jabon federal, and cold water.
El Duderino said:
Semi-related: When I was here for work last year, before I moved here, my company put me up in a hotel. The prices to get your clothes laundered were insane. Something like 40 pesos for a t-shirt, 20 pesos for a pair of socks!

This is one of the most incredible posts I've ever read here.

Sometimes I wonder how the "locals" can take such grotesque advantage of foreigners.

Did they think you were using a "governement" credit card?

If so (and they understand governent corruption), it actually makes sense.