I have been in 2008 and overall still love living there (although I am in Venezuela for 6 weeks for work).
I don't find the people as bad as many others seem to, and all my friends are Argentine and are all great people. One thing I do like about the people here as opposed to my own country and others I have visited is the level of, shall we say 'intellectual culture'. Here I can have a chat with nearly anyone about 'big ideas'. By that I mean politics, philosophy, literature etc. Portenos especially are a well read bunch of people on the whole, and don't look down on people who want to discuss this.
Plus, I think if you are bored here, you must be trying to be bored. So much to do. Culturally, or just plain ol' heading out for some drinks. Plus much of it is free. Plus the public transport is pretty good, and damn cheap.
What can I say. I like the place. So no, to answer the original post in a slightly long winded way (sorry), I don't plan on leaving.