How Safe Is Ba Tap Water ???

I don't profess to know exactly what's in the water in BA, but whenever I came back to my apartment and my husband was taking a hot shower, the whole place reeked of bleach.
I wrought a Berkey from the removes everything plus arsenic. The difference is amazing!!
I wrought a Berkey from the removes everything plus arsenic. The difference is amazing!!

I also brought a Travel Berkey for this visit. My wife who is local refuses to drink the tap water here. I've never had an issue with it.

Sure beats hauling jugs of water from the store.
Bill Gates drinks water from recycled human waste. We could use that machine here. (If it really works)
you wont get sick but ITS BAD, chlorine, Fluoride tons of chemicals. I suggest utilizing a reverse osmosis system WHERE-EVER you are even in USA. I tested water in several areas of Argentina so far, id buy bottled water and EVEN that has chemicals you dont want, but its better at least until you can get a RO system.
I've been told that boiling the tap water only makes matters it worse. (?)
I've been told that boiling the tap water only makes matters it worse. (?)

Well you could do distillation, but if you do it incorrectly the chemicals are still there. RO is the best way to go, water is the key to life. good water is important, its a necessity, there are several companies who will ship here if you dont want to buy locally, but theres companies here too. let me know If you want a few companies sites, ill post them.