How Safe Is Ba?

I also see LOTS of people on their smart phones (some iPhones) on the bus, on the street, in the subte. My maid doesn't have an iPhone but she's got a nice smart phone. Most of the maids who clean the apartments I manage also have nice smart phones.
Just because there are bolduos flashing their Blackberry cell phones everywhere doesn't mean many don't get stolen. There are hundreds of people who use them in public, and hundreds who also get robbed. Restaurants get raided a lot and if you're lap top is on the table or your ipad, you can kiss it good bye. It's not an every day occurrence, but someone that's street smart would be wise to avoid too much public exposure of his or her valuable items.

Not saying that things aren't stolen here but matias is right (it seems so wrong to write that). Every morning on the subway it seems like almost every person is using their smartphones. Not just black berries, I'd say 1/4 are galaxies or iPhones.

I've used an iPhone here for 5 years and while I'm always conscious of my surroundings when I use it in public, I am constantly using it and (knock on wood) I've never had one stolen.
It seems the smartphone thefts are an issue in many places:

[font=proxima_nova_rgregular]'[...] The bill was drawn up in response to an “epidemic” of smartphone theft in the state. “The devices we use every day will no longer make us targets for violent criminals,” said San Francisco County District Attorney George Gascón, who spearheaded the legislation. [...]'[/font]
I like the kill switch idea. It would have to physically destroy the device in order to be effective. Even a salvaged display would buy a lot of paco
I was only here 2 weeks and every day I saw people using iPhones (well smartphones, but find it hard to believe thieves can tell what it is from a distance) walking, on the bus etc! This was in Recoleta area and on the 37 bus.
I have been told quite a few times that the thieves are really good at differencing between different phones and noticing iPhones or other newer smartphone models that can be sold at a high price. Not sure if it is correct but it makes me feel better about using my 4-5 year old smartphone around town.

And yes, I see people on their smartphones on the bus and the subte all the time.
Not saying that things aren't stolen here but matias is right (it seems so wrong to write that). Every morning on the subway it seems like almost every person is using their smartphones. Not just black berries, I'd say 1/4 are galaxies or iPhones.

I've used an iPhone here for 5 years and while I'm always conscious of my surroundings when I use it in public, I am constantly using it and (knock on wood) I've never had one stolen.

That's true. Everyone uses them because it's useless to live in fear. I have one friend who's had two Blackberries stolen in restaurant raids, and another who's had three cell phone stolen off of him just walking down the street. Both are Argentines not tourists flashing their cameras and smart phones around.
Iphones are smartphones but not all smart phones are Iphones. Iphones - 5 or 6000 pesos. A cheap galaxy prob around 1000 pesos. BIG difference. Hence my questioning . As for using it on the street, whatever people want to do. Just don't be surprised when it gets stolen
All cell phones are a target whether they're iPhones, Blackberries, Samsungs or crappy old fashioned cell phones. I bought a beat-up beat-up one to use when I didn't want to take my iPhone with me. Here's the sad party. I bought it from a surgeon who would use it in the Operating Room because she was afraid her Blackberry would get stolen. Imagine worrying about that while you're operating on a patient or treating one in your office.