I hate dulce de leche

Not a fan of DDL. I have been duped several times with soft serve ice cream, it looks like chocolate, and then when I taste it, it's DDL. I don't like alfajores either. (Gasp!)
I feel like ham is a close second to DDL around here. Ham on billboards, huge ham aisle in the supermarket, I've never seen so much of it.
El Duderino said:
Yes, at most supermarkets. I think it's around 32 pesos for the smaller container.

Clarification: it was 30 pesos today at Coto for 350g.
Best easily found commercial DDL: the Sancor that comes in a glass jar.
Best DDL ice-cream in BA: "Las Flores", north side in front of the Haedo train station (people travel from afar only to buy kilos of the stuff).
Best DDL in Argentina (so, best of the world): "Campo Quijano", very difficult to find since it is exported. Somebody knows where I can buy it in BA?
El Duderino said:
Clarification: it was 30 pesos today at Coto for 350g.

Wow, I didn't realize it had gone up that much. I seem to remember the last time I bought it (early/mid last year maybe?) it was about 16 pesos. $7 US for Nutella is a little steep. :p Of course it's imported.

Will have to remind my family members to bring me extra Nutella and Nocilla. ;)
I started out liking dulce de leche, as one of many delicious flavors on the sweet spectrum. I just hate how it dominates ALL desserts here. I'm so sick of perfectly lovely desserts (e.g. chocolate cake with cream and strawberries...) RUINED by an unnecessary layer of DDL. It DOES NOT go with everything.

On a constructive note, does anyone know of a bakery in Palermo that has broken free of the creative oppression of DDL and has a nice variety of desserts?
jenndean said:
On a constructive note, does anyone know of a bakery in Palermo that has broken free of the creative oppression of DDL and has a nice variety of desserts?

Nos in Palermo but there is a cafe/bakery/restaurant in Recoleta called postdata that makes the best desserts in BA and not everything has DDL!
steveinbsas said:
IA couple years ago on a return flight from the US I sat next to an Argentine woman who said she searched desperately for dulce de leche in San Francisco. She told me that she paid at least double the Argentine price, but it was worth it.

Oddly enough, DDL here in Madrid -- imported from Argentina -- is actually cheaper than it now is in BA. A 450-gram glass jar for 2.50 euros (I only noticed it because it was shoved into the "weirdo foreigner spreads" section, next to the peanut butter.)