I hate dulce de leche

DDL - blech. Soooooo sweet. I can do one spoonful in a panqueque and then my teeth start to ache from the amount of sugar in there.

And I avoid all cookies and cakes here that have it (so pretty much ALL cookies and cakes).
Lee said:
Fuck yes! I can't stand it either! :eek:

Just never publicly admitted it for fear of being stoned to death...

I'd have you stoned with empty dulce de leche plastic pots, so you wouldn't die but would got a few scratches in your forehead. :D
i guess its an acquired taste dulce de leche! just like when I made myself a peanut butter sandwich one time at my cousins house in ARgentina..He says peanut butter is disgusting! how could "los yanquis eat that"!

I LOVE peanut butter. My fellow Argentines watch me eat it in disgust... and in that moment I love it even more. More for me you fools...
the la serenisma DDL that you can pick up at any disco/coto is amazing. it's really just sweetened condensed milk that's been cooked for hours until it caramelizes. I used to make it back home in canada but it's SO much better here... mind you i'm a total caramel junkie and would gladly writhe about in a hot tub full of it.
Lamb said:
I hate it! I know people on here like to complain about more serious things, but i just had to say it. Being a big lover of anything sweet, this stuff is just too much for me, and its in freaking everything! Its just sad that when youre about to put your teeth in a delicious looking piece of chocolate cake, you discover that a 5 cm thick layer is made of - of course - dulce de leche...

Anyone share my anti-passion for this thing?

It's funny how much I loved dulce de leche. I loved it when I visited BA all the times in the past. And in the US, I'd go out of my way to find specialty stores that sold the best dulce de leche. And then after a month in BA, I was sick of it as it is on everything, like you said. I'd imagine that people have similar stories about trips to other lands where there was something they liked but upon moving there, got sick of it.
I was looking at an article about (US) Girls Scout Cookies and saw these cookies:

Dulce De Leche


But the thing is, to the right they have a ranking of the Top 5 Girl Scout Cookies by popularity and somehow this round biscuits of DDL love aren't listed in the Top 5. I have to say that if they same rankings were made in Argentina, I know exactly which cookie would be #1.
I always loved caramel, which is similar but lighter (made of water instead of milk), and I hated DDL. Now I got used to the DDL, I looooove the panqueques with DDL!!! yummieyummie! But still put Nutela on my bread :eek:. I really really hate peanut butter, but I guess if I would live in the US for a while I might grow to like it too :D
I like dulce de leche , but only as it is presented in a havanna alfajor.
Would Dulce de leche be the "caramel" in a snickers bar ? or is that something else entirely ?
What about Dulce de membrillo ? if i dont brush my teeth inmediatly after eating it , Im picking seeds from betwix my teeth for an hour. I have seen seedles "Quince Jelly" no seeds , less strong metalic flavor
This did make me laugh .......since I do complain about the dulce de leche in everything....I always look to try to find ice cream or pastries without the stuff. And that isn't easy