I Was Swindled Out Of $1000 Dollars

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Serafina, your point that this is NOT a scam is well taken. A scam involves premeditation.

This was a crime of opportunity - I should say - alleged crime of opportunity.

Since you have shown sympathy for the other person in this incident, I wish you would reconsider being an arbitrator.

Everyone would like to hear an unbiased version of his side of the story.

And if you arbitrated a solution you would become an official Hero of BAexpats for time immemorial.

Do Heroes of BAExpats get free fries? :p

Anyway, with this kind of people, you have to keep insisting. There is no way to scare or hurry them, you just need endless, countless, painful patience.
Haaaahahaa good one Serafina,where do we buy endless,countless,painful patience???I think mine ran out back in 79 (not that I had much to begin with) :p
Well, dear all, the "[sub]scammer[/sub]" is here. Before I dive into the meaty stuff, I must say that lacoqueta is completely misrepresenting the story. I will get to that after I give Joe priority, because he has in fact been affected by my delay, unlike lacoqueta who actually completely lost her mind and is not telling the whole story.

I understand that people react very intensely when it comes to public complaints or to people who actually scam someone else. That is not the case with me. I have been in touch with Joe the entire time (except for Friday and this week, there's a reason, but I will get to that). Back in mid July I decided to do a Punta del Este run, instead of a Colonia run. This was days after I had asked Joe to keep some of my stuff in his apartment. Yes it was two large bags, a gym bag, and some carrefour reusable bags, mainly full of clean laundry. The reason I asked him to store my stuff was because I was going to take an aparment in Belgrano (for which I had put down money). It was the time around the semi final, and then we had the argentine independence holiday so this realtor woman wasn't reachable. When I called her to tell her that I was going to be traveling to Uruguay that day (Thursday) an issue arose and was actually out of my deposit. The next thing I knew was I got a special offer, which I decided to use for my Punta run, instead of the boring (by now) Colonia run. I was here for a week and I was very happy. I found out that rentals are dirt cheap during the low season, so I started looking into maybe renting a place here until late November, or before heading back north. People know about this. I was of course planning on getting my stuff from Joe's place. At this point no money issue was involved, I simply felt bad because I was taking long and it could have been inconveniencing him. I emailed him periodically to make sure that my stuff was still welcome, while I worked on securing a place. I extended my stay once, and then twice. At that point Joe asked me to bring back 1,000 bucks for him. I saw no problem. I was supposed to meet my new landlord on the 1st since he was coming back from a trip. So I told that to Joe, I can't remember at what point it was though.

I want to clear up that my stuff is nothing but a bunch of clothes and shoes. I also have a storage unit with the rest of my stuff. I did not burden Joe with all my belongings, I have a large and a small bag with me here. the two large duffels with Joe and the stuff in the storage place. What Joe has in his apartment are basically clothes and shoes. Some of them are expensive. Not designer brands of course, but it sure isn't stuff from Old Navy or Ross. The stuff in those bags is worth a lot more than 1,000 for me. My honor and self respect are much more important than 1,000 dollars. There is nothing illegal in the bags, and as I told Joe, he's more than welcome to make sure this is the case.

People who know me know that I'm a good guy. People who know, even if they don't know me well, soon realize that they can trust me. But that is irrelevant, Joe sent me 1,000 bucks and he will have them. It's his money, not mine this is not even a question. I did now swindle Joe, or anyone else for that matter. I had problems using Xoom because they need some documents that I don't have handy, it has been complicated. On top of that, and frustratingly enough, finding my apartment has taken longer. I do have plans to give Joe his money one way or another, before the end of the month, and I'm really sorry for all the trouble this caused him. I have nothing bad to say about Joe. He's a great guy. A stand up guy and a very decent person. I understand some people will never see me the same way, but well, that's just how the cookie crumbles. I'm really sorry Joe. I tried to reassure you that I wasn't trying to harm you, I tried to make sure that you knew I wasn't out to take advantage of you. You started getting very insecure and I understand it. I tried to reassure you but I guess that I can't blame you. You really won't be OK until you actually get your money and that's understandable. It's a shame because you were becoming a good friend and we had made some cool plans. I'm going to make this right and this expat community will know that.

Now, as far as lacoqueta's slander is concerned.... here's that part.

I joined her book club since she had been very nice online and had made repeated efforts to get me to try it out. I really liked it and I thought she was a very nice lady. A couple of months passed and my landlord at the time wanted to double my rent without giving me anything extra. This was for an apartment in which I was left with no running water for a month. I passed, ran out of time, she knew I was stressed out and offered to store my stuff for me. SHE OFFERED. So I was very grateful and moved my stuff (most of it to her basement, some of it went in some cabinets). It was a lot of stuff, but considering the fact that she offered and considering the fact that we were becoming close friends I figured that it would be OK to have my stuff there for a couple of weeks while I figured out the apartment situation. Next thing, I'm living out of a hotel, to my frustration, she had me over for Xmas eve dinner and at the time she talked me into renting the apartment directly underneath hers. I wasn't sure since it had a lot of ifs and it needed a lot of work. Also, I wasn't sure I wanted to furnish the whole thing all at once. However her points were compelling and I decided to go for it. The man who wanted to rent it to me was very eager. I was planning a different Colonia run at the time and I was going to take advantage of it to pay the 3 month deposit and to furnish the place. The man became impatient (I delayed the trip a couple of weeks) and took a deposit from someone else. Back to square one. At that point I had already been asked to pet sit and house sit for her. She was going to visit her son. The original plan was to have me come from my apartment downstairs, but there was no apartment downstairs. So I stayed in hers. Keep in mind most of my stuff was ALREADY there.

She left, I took excellent care of her pets and house (if there's any doubt, there's another member who had me pet and house sit for her). In fact, lacoqueta knew that this other member of the forums was leaving on her trip only days after her own arrival. I got a private message from her, telling me that I didn't have to leave. That I could stay a few days (maybe implying that I didn't go back to the hotel, instead I could just stay and go to this other person's place straight from hers). I didn't see the harm. We got along very well, we had very good conversations, I took care of her dog, I even offered to do stuff for her around the house that she normally can't since she has a back condition. I ended up staying. The first few days were great. Yes I was using her couch but I was a very considerate house guest. I walked her dog, cooked for her, helped her with stuff, even with her laptop, which eventually led her to yell at me for some reason. On Monday the next week I went grocery shopping for both of us. I even got her things that were specifically thought for her, as a token of appreciation. I guess at that point she was done doing stuff around her house, rearranging her cupboard and her closets. Because out of the blue, the next day she asked me to leave. And she acted like I had been taking advantage of her. She was very rude and very offensive. Not only that, she told me to get all my stuff out of there, that I was being abusive, that I was very inconsiderate. She said a lot of hurtful things that were totally uncalled for. Bottom line, I did go to the hotel, I took my stuff to the storage place, but she treated me like dirt. I did not deserve that. When I house sat for this other friend she was very pleased and honestly... I really take care of stuff that isn't mine very well. With lacoqueta there's another story about a really old iphone with 12 minutes of battery life that she offered I could borrow, since my phone was stolen from me while she was in Atlanta. I appreciated the gesture, but the day that she was kicking me out of her apartment, she also wanted the phone back. In a very rude way. That's when she threatened to call the police (because I wasn't giving her back her old iphone pos, while I was only deleting my private messages and stuff). Totally ridiculous. I gave her her phone, took my stuff, and even tried to mend things with her. I was the aggravated party and I tried to reach out. It did not go well, so I had to leave the book club. To each their own, and I'm only sharing this because what she posted about me is practically slander.

What really matters here is Joe. I will see that he gets his cash ASAP. although it might be a few days.
I forgot to mention why I suddenly stopped replying to Joe's messages, including the one with the ultimatum. It's basically just because, I felt that at that point, his level of frustration and anger were so high (understandably) that anything I could say would be irrelevant. At that point I lost hope of being able to remain friends, so I figured that until I figured something out that would be 100% certain with no possible complications, I would contact him and then deliver. I figured that excuses as to why the Xoom transfer failed wouldn't help and that I had lost all credibility at that point, so it was pointless. Joe will hear directly from me the moment he's about to get his money.
I am glad that this matter should be called over shortly!
hope you guys can solve this and stay good friends. I sometimes think that I fail to read in between lines, because really I am not an expat, but I guess people are people everywhere. I always stand by my motto, ie . karma is a bitch, and I tend to think everybody is the same more or less. 1000 bux, is not worth it really.
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