Thankyou very much ladies & gentleman, and thankyou all for turning out to support Joe Aid. This is now officially the largest ever concert in support of a Canadian expat in search of a Texan with his money. So here's another one. This one is for inner demons everywhere, especially the kind that move in have a couple of baby inner demons then stop paying the rent for 6 or 7 good years causing endless legal battles, lawyer's fees and misery. This is a song called 'El que quiere punta del este' or 'Ive been wandering around a long time, I got holes in my winklepickers, my teeth are falling out, my braces have snapped and my pantaloons are strung up with old stockings but I will make this up to you'
There is a resort in Punta del este
They call the Conrad Hotel
And its been the ruin of many a poor boy
god knows it led me to hell.
My mother was a cowgirl
She grew hairs on her chest
My father was a gamblin' man
Down in Punta del Este
Go to tell your fellow expats
Please dont fall under that spell
Please shun that house in Punta del Este
They call the Conrad Hotel.
If I had done like my Mama said
I would not be here today
But being so young and foolish,
I let gamblin' lead me astray
Im going back to Uruguay
head bowed, I bid you farewell,
Im going back to spend my days
In the Conrad Hotel.
Well, I got one foot on the jetty
The other foot is on the deck
I'm goin' back to Uruguay
with that millstone hung 'round my neck