I Went To See A Band...

Finally, the main event was a rearrangement of Mas' drumkit into a smaller but more eclectic setup, allowing room for a pair of samplers for Lida, and an electronic drum for Chancha.
Lida came out in full Lida Regalia- she is well known for her modern takes on traditional Afro Columbian and indigenous South American womens clothing, but filtered thru a post goth, magic unicorn, rainbow queer sensibility- its always amazing, over the top, and the opposite of Taylor Swift's "no pants Vegas chorus girl" look.
which is not to say Lida is above the occasional twerk...
She began playing just with Mas, who has a particular style for her songs that is more afro caribbean/ andean, folk funk, with lots of bells and chimes and a bit lower volume level than his solo work.
She has several hit albums of repetoire to draw from, going back to her debut album in 2010, Color.
She is political, feminist, and fearless, and draws on all her influences, from Columbian folk songs to hip hop and chicha.
She is queer, a mother, always funny, and refuses to sing in English, period.
She is herself, a very strong personality, and unlike most pop music today, and she just keeps getting more popular.
The audience responded to the first few notes of most songs, obviously having listened to her songs many times.
And she rocked, bounced, danced, and her vocal range is large and diverse, she sings all over the place.
Within a couple songs, Chancha came out, and using drum sticks, triggered all kinds of samples and beats, starting with a song they did together, but always a member of the band, adding complexity and response to the long term relationship both personally and musically between Pimienta and Mas Aya.
It encompasses all of the varied musics of the african diaspora, its all over the map, and yet it all coheres into a great set.
We loved it.

Here is one song they did, which was a Chancha/Lida collab.

this is another side to her, playing with a well known Columbian group, Sexteto Tabala.
Her Tiny Desk Concert is great, because it shows her range and personality.