If Cristina Is Elected in October the Dollar Goes to $60 ..!

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012

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" XP Investments conducted a survey among a group of 40 entities in New York, Brazil, Latin America and other markets. The objective was to know what scenario they are seeing for Argentina who are in charge of decision making. The result is obvious: everything will depend on the result of the presidential elections.

One of the questions is about the future of the exchange rate. What will be the value of the dollar according to who wins on October 28 or at the ballotage?

And the result was the following: if the winner ends up being Mauricio Macri, the currency would quote at $ 40.53 after the elections. But if Cristina Kirchner wins, the expectation is that the price goes up to $ 59.39 (average of the responses received). In other words, in case of a Kirchner victory, a strong pressure on the exchange rate would ensue.
If she wins, her interactions with Bolsonaro will be quite the spctacle.
doesn't the IMF agreement specify the exchange rate window?
doesn't the IMF agreement specify the exchange rate window?

It's only a recommended range by IMF ... Butt if there is a run on the dollar the Central Bank may not be able to stop it ,sometimes selling US$200 million or more. each day. As it has happened before.:rolleyes:
Yep.. people want free shit.. someone else pays. I really hope those complaining about utilities going up etc vote with their brain. Kirchner is Maduro V2. Go look at Venezuela for Argentinas future under more corruption kirchernismo
Yep.. people want free shit.. someone else pays. I really hope those complaining about utilities going up etc vote with their brain. Kirchner is Maduro V2. Go look at Venezuela for Argentinas future under more corruption kirchernismo

There couldn't be a better example.
Chavez/Maduro managed to destroy a country that has more oil than Saudi Arabia and beaches as nice as any in the Caribbean.
Argentines have no one to blame for the economic predicament but themselves. On multiple occasions, they elected a Kirchner as president. And they are poised to potentially do so again.

I find these comments highly unfair as any intelligent well read person knows that the political system is rigged as to not give people real choices , What choice to people have in Argentina on one side a savage capitalist that is destroying the middle class or a radical left wing loony that wants to turn Argentina into Venezuela .
Argentinian people are trapped between two devils and what do you do but just leave and this is the choice that many are now taking .