IMF halts 3 billion bailout tranche from Argentina

I foresee much pain in the future of Argentina.

The entire modern history of Argentina is pain, and it is as if many here took a sick pleasure at it, since they keep repeating the same mistakes again and again. This is how I see them now.

I foresee much pain in the future of Argentina.

YEP. That's the truth. There isn't any way out of this mess. People that say "they should just dollarize" don't really understand Argentina. In theory, Yes, it makes sense to dollarize but the leftist political parties would never allow it. Things will DEFINITELY get worse. No one knows how bad it will get. But everyone knows it will get worse.

Macri made several mistakes. He should have admitted when he took office just what a horrible mess he inherited instead of trying to sugarcoat things and not scare the locals. Sometimes scary scenarios need to frighten locals into reality. He also didn't public spending quick enough. But still, not sure that ANYONE could have aligned things so that Argentina didn't crash. These boom and bust cycles will always continue because the problems as systemic and Argentina is one really screwed up Country.
The political price? He's finished as a politician already.

Now he is. When he took over, there was lots of political goodwill and capital that he could have spent to push the reforms needed. But he did not want to pay the price. Now it is too late.
This is not funny. In a couple of days I will be in Buenos Aires, I am not asking for a crisis and cheap pesos. I want to hang out with Argentinians, but when it is crisis, I think less people will show up at milongas...
You are right. Attendance at the milongas has had been very sparse. But you will be fine. As always, there are way more women than men.
Pesos did a little a slide yesterday back up to 40. Should be an all together lovely week next week. Maybe NOT! Some of us a very fortunate here not be reliant on the Arg economy. While Argentinians are watching their value evaporate and inflation turning what is just getting by into what am I going to do.

With the price controls one can only wonder what will come next from the K eco cook book? Desperate times call for desperate measures but far to many Argentinians already are in dire straights. Rock and hard place one of the two it seems is going to win and that I suppose, will not be pretty.

Kinda glad I am out in the sticks and not in a major population center nothing to loot or plunder around here and the police station is half a block away. But still I must admit I am a little on edge.
You are right. Attendance at the milongas has had been very sparse. But you will be fine. As always, there are way more women than men.
It's always down during the off season, I find that the economy has little impact on it, they keep complaining but keep going and keep drinking.
The issue - at least for me - is not a lack of dancers, but a low energy when the place is half empty...Sunday night in El Beso is still reasonably attended and being a small cozy place doesn't feel too bad...
How long before there is a corralito and Argentina defaults