Interesting website about Argentina

Lucas said:
Non, monsieur that is an 'urinoir' representing Paris a city famous for its street urinals. :p


N'est-ce pas mignon?...and yes it's a form of art

No, no (and I'm serious!), it's called a "Vespasienne" in France, in honor of the Roman Emperor Vespasien (Vespasian ?) who had created a tax that was levied on the people who were collecting urine !
This urine was after used to dye fabrics !

About urine & French history (hey! We are in the culture section), even 16 centuries later, in the Chateau de Versailles, there were some kind of grooms walking by the rooms, holding a bucket in order to "ease" those "noble organs" (some were too easing themselves nearby the windows to tell you the truth).

Sounds amazing but it's absolutely true.

Nowadays only one vespasienne remains in Paris, near "Prison de la Santé" (the last jail in Paris).

To stay on focus, you might not know the delicious experience of what we call the "Turkish toilets" (Amigos de la poesia y de la cultura, bienvenidos!)


They are all about a matter of a precise aiming !

Bon appétit !

PS : When I was a student in Art History in Paris, I was too a guide for American tourists, I've got so many gossips! I'll tell some someday
Hey, that's more like representing BA... I did see a few of them around :p


Sounds amazing but it's absolutely true.

I believe you

This urine was after used to dye fabrics !

I don't know that, but I still believe you, what I know is that they were using this stuff to brush their teeth, and no, I'm not if you want to have that million dollars smile full of sparkling nice white teeth..piss & brush. :D