Is Food Really So Expensible? Continue Of The $13.000 Thread

I love Nancy's posts very down to earth... :wub:

If you had gone to Mercado Central, deducting the gas, tolls, and trapitos..!! you could save max. 40% on your $67 peso purchase or lets say $26 pesos or US$3....! ( and spend 2 hours of agravation..) :mad:
PD: Guess it depends if you are feeding over 10 people... like some do! the savings could be considerable!

Agree. For the savings , in only feeding me & the Mrs. , $3 is not much savings for a lot of hassle. Gral. Paz is not my favorite place to spend 2-3 hours. I cannot keep or consume fresh stuff to justify a large quantity. I will continue to support my local vendors , all within walking distance.